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Old Green Eyes – The Ghost of Chickamauga

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe American Civil War was fought 150 years ago, yet people remain fascinated with its history. As it turns out, the battlefield said to be the most haunted is located right here in the South, not too far from where I live.

Chickamauga, on the border of Tennessee and Georgia, takes its name from a Native American word meaning “bloody river.” It was the second bloodiest battle of the war after Gettysburg, so the name turned out to be quite fitting.

Many ghosts, including those of a Confederate soldier and a bride-to-be pining for her lost fiancée, have been spotted at Chickamauga. But the most famous legend, “Old Green Eyes,” may not even be a traditional ghost at all. Legends surrounding the spirit go back to the Cherokee and Creek tribes who originally lived in the area. They tell of a large-bodied creature, or sometimes a floating head, with sharp fangs and glowing green eyes. Continue reading

Do You Drink The Water?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor as long as I can remember, I have absolutely hated the taste of water from the faucet. I’ve been saying for years, that I can taste the chemicals in it. So many of my friends and family have laughed at me, telling  me I am crazy.

The taste and smell of water that comes out of my kitchen faucet, repulses me to the point that I refuse to drink it. I have found myself in the hospital for dehydration more times than I care to admit.

So, I began wondering… what chemicals are used to treat the water that we drink? Well, I found that it’s not so much the chemicals to clean the water that may be the problem. It is the fluoride that is added to our water. Continue reading

Not Everyone Chooses The Path Of Healing – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comYou must have heard the saying, “what they don’t know can’t hurt them?” Well, sometimes that can be very true, but sometimes what one doesn’t know can in fact hurt one.

We have all tried at one time or another to help someone close to us, because we wanted to do something nice for them. People with gifts to see, hear and feel will know what I’m speaking of here. Of course, we can’t just go up to someone randomly if we had decided to stay ‘tuned in’ when we are out and about. It is usually at these times that the urge to approach or assist may come up. I have an abundance of energy and feel it not necessary to turn off my psychic abilities, for example when I am just quickly running down to the grocery store, or stopping at the library. Continue reading

Shadow Beings Be Gone!

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comVery recently, for a period of just a few days at around dusk, I kept on seeing dark shadow figures to my left, in my peripheral vision. These dark shadows would move quickly and, although not eerie, they were unlike what I usually witness when I see spirit. My Husky cross, Collie, is always sensitive to the presence of spirit in my work room, and I know from her stares at these dark shadows that she saw them too, but she wasn’t at all perturbed.

It occurred to me only a few days ago that during that brief period of witnessing the shadowy figures, a few chaotic days followed: a water heater burst, a generator went up in smoke, the washing machine seemed to have reprogrammed itself, my older dog was diagnosed with a tumor, my youngest dog ate some of my cash money, as well as other minor aggravations, like power outages. Continue reading

Simple Ways To Restore Daily Balance

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery day, I try to find balance in my life and put it into action, but sometimes it is hard to do. And sometimes it’s hard to see the whole picture of what you’re wanting to do, to have that sense of happiness and well-being in your life.

I find what works best to get me back on track is to center myself mentally first, before I take on any of the daily challenges of life. I admit that I often need a pop of the good old caffeine to get my mind and body going in the morning, but experience has taught me it is much more constructive to focus on something positive at that time. Once you start looking for alternatives to get your mind going, you will be surprised at how many things are easily available for this purpose. Continue reading

Embrace Who You Are

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe all came to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just like no one on the planet has the same fingerprint as you, they also do not have the same talent, voice or look. Sure, some may come close, but the entirety of a person, their personality and so on, is completely different from one to the other.

I feel saddened when I see young people copying one another. Why they do this is uncertain to me, however I’m sure they want to fit in or be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. There are also adults who do this. I asked one girl who was mimicking her friend recently, why would you want to be a photo copy of someone else? You’re beautiful and you have a lovely voice, and you are a very talented artist. She looked at me and said: “Oh my goodness, you’re so right!” I told her that each person came to this planet to share their light in their own unique way, no matter what your personal qualities and talents may be. Continue reading

Journey Born Under A Divine Star

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the coming weeks I will be posting a series of articles from my travel blog, which I wrote during my recent trip to Europe. The blogs are a collection of spiritual adventures, pilgrimages to sacred places and accounts of my personal odyssey into self-realization. Let me be your guide to sacred sites like Stone Henge in the United Kingdom and the Oracle of Delphi at Temple of Apollo in Greece.

I was very excited that my journey began under one of the most rare and powerful aspects in astrology, namely the Grand Sextile, or Star of David. The ancients associated this unique alignment of six planets with the birth and anointing of a king. This rare alignment of the planets occurred on July 29th, 2013. Seven of the ten planets were involved to create six sextiles, three oppositions and two Grand Trines! Continue reading

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