Connecting Spiritual Love With Sexual Energy
I have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. The premise of White Tantric Yoga, is to unite two people together. It is also designed to connect each person the to the Divine, as well as to connect each individual’s sexuality to their spirituality.
Our sexuality is linked to the second chakra. The color is orange. It is located just below the navel point. It is also connected to our creativity. If you are a dancer, an artist, a musician, or a poet, this is where that vibrant creative energy comes from. If there is any sexual trauma in this area, it can block creative energy, block the ability to connect your sexuality and your spirituality, created physical issues with the sex organs and can create depression and anxiety. Continue reading
The Color Palette Of Your Life
You get to choose which colors you like to have on the palette of your life – not what anyone else thinks you should have. It’s okay to paint exactly as you wish, as all great artist do. Color can empower you, color can uplift you, color can heal.
Embrace all your favorite colors, even the darker shades, including black. A lot of people fear the color black, but without the darkness of the shadows we cannot truly appreciate the light. I personally like the color black. It makes me feel good about myself. A few years ago I went to court for my divorce hearing. I had no lawyer; I chose to represent myself. I was wearing a black dress suit, with large, black leather purse. The judge took me seriously and granted all that I negotiated for. I give credit to my choice of wearing the color black. Continue reading
Speleotherapy – The Healing Power Of Salt Caves
Since the time of the ancients, the use of salt (halos in Greek) was widespread for its healing properties. In our modern era, spending time in salt caves (speleos) are becoming popular as therapy. What can this accomplish for us?
Humankind evolved from the oceans; we have a natural connection to the sea and its properties. Since most of us are not in close proximity to the water, a salt cave in a landlocked area can offer a variety of healing properties. These caves are the remnants of inland seas from millions of years ago.
Salt caves, as individual micro-climates, are balanced chemically and harbor few, if any, allergens. This offers an ideal environment to recuperate for persons suffering from chronic allergies, respiratory ailments, or bronchitis. Think about the properties of a simple salt lamp, then imagine being surrounded by a large room of one of nature’s most beneficial substances. Continue reading
The Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps
One of the best investments to make in your home today is a Himalayan salt lamp. It is typically a large piece (or pieces) of pure salt from the mountain range of the same name. The real thing, as opposed to imitators made from rock salt or less pure forms, is mined in the Punjab provinces of India and Pakistan.
So what is so special about a light bulb inside a rock, anyway? Turns out, lots of things.
We are surrounded by positive ions (atomic particles with uneven levels of charge) in our modern world due to new technology. These ions are generated by televisions, microwaves, mobile phones, and the like. We also find positive ions in airborne toxins, such as mold and pollen.
The properties of the salt lamp generate negative ions to counterbalance these energies. If you’ve ever experienced the regenerative power of a beach, or the aftermath of a storm, you know what this feels like. Continue reading
Pushing Energy To The Extreme
A mother’s precious child becomes trapped under a car. There is no one in close enough proximity to come to her assistance and as she becomes frantic with the awful possibilities of the potential outcome. Then some unknown force seems to take over her body…
With no conscious thought as to how she will rescue her offspring, the anxious mother lets herself become guided by some unknown force and begins to lift the car in order to release the child. She has not thought about the why, or the how, she only knows she must act swiftly, before there is too much damage inflicted on her little one. The car is then miraculously raised, the child is free and mom is now breathing an immense sigh of relief. Continue reading
The Necessity Of Grief
As a psychic medium one learns a lot about grief. There are many different kinds of grief, and it’s not all about death and dying. We grieve many different things in life.
I often hear my clients describe their grief as “my heart has a hole in it” or “my heart has been ripped apart.” When we grieve it does feel as if our heart will never heal. It’s like your physical body is having an actual heart attack.
What each grieving individual experiences is different. Grief has so many different forms and it is impossible to know how it will affect each individual person. We each grieve in our own way.
There is also no time-frame on grief. The length of time a person may grieve is very individual some people may start to feel a little better seven to ten weeks. For others it may be years. Continue reading