Ways To Protect Your Energy Field
Lightworkers who do energy healing, psychic readings or mediumship need to energetically clear out their work space and energy field or aura, before and after helping people. Psychic protection prevents our energy from being drained or interfered with, both in our personal and professional lives.
However, the need for psychic protection and energy clearing actually applies to everybody. This is especially true for those who are prone to picking up vibes and emotions from others. If we don’t shield and protect our own energy field, we can become drained, exhausted, ‘feeling dirty,’ or simply upset and angry. Continue reading
The Beautiful Season Of New Beginnings
Back in the Fall I posted a blog, titled Autumn Wishes, where I mentioned planting bulb, while wishing for a beautiful flower and praying for the fulfillment of a desire. At that time in October, it was my invitation for us to pause and notice the inexorable pull toward Winter Solstice. The days were growing incrementally shorter, ultimately culminating in the darkest day of the year.
But here we are now, and it is Spring again. Yes, it is the beautiful season of new beginnings, renewal and rebirth! Fresh buds are blooming, hibernating animals have been awakening and the earth seems to be coming to life again. Farmers and gardeners are now planting their future harvest, as temperatures slowly rise. Continue reading
What The Mind Believes, The Body Perceives
What your mind and heart believe your body perceives. Our self-talk and mind-chatter play a vital role in optimum health in body, mind and spirit.
If we wake up in the morning and tell ourselves, “I’m really feeling lousy, I’m still tired. I really don’t want to get up and face this day,” you can be sure that the body will respond in just that way. You will be moving slowly, feeling every ache or pain twice as intensely. That kind of self-talk can even affect digestion by slowing it down, because that is what you are telling the body to do with this kind of negative thinking. By thinking, “I really don’t want to move fast,” the message the body receives is to slow down. The body will always comply with the thought process. Continue reading
Recovery From Psychic Attack
If you’ve been feeling depressed, in pain, or just out of sorts without quite knowing why, it may be that you’ve been on the receiving end of a psychic attack. Someone may be deliberately intending harm by sending negative energies at you, through fear, anger, or jealousy, or else it may take the form of an inadvertent ‘side-swipe.’ This may even come from people you care about! Whatever the case is, psychic attack is just as real and harmful as an actual physical assault. Most of us have been a victim at some point in our lives. Continue reading
Grief As A Spiritual Life Lesson
Just under a decade ago, a decision I made to let my eight and a half year old Rottweiler Sophie go, was one of the hardest things I have ever been faced with. Sophie had suddenly become ill over the course of four days and nothing could have prepared me for the subsequent grief. Although time heals, I still recall the way it felt when she was gone – like my heart was being ripped from my chest.
Grief can be described as the universal response to loss, and a very natural, yet terribly painful internal process. When there is a significant change, or loss in one’s life, grief is both a physical and emotional response to that change. Grief brings its own stresses, and continued grief actually compromises our immune system, because all cells in our bodies are affected by intense emotions. Continue reading