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Dealing With Dysfunctional Family Dynamics

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFamily dynamics can be tremendously complex. These relationships are multi-layered and may have played out for ages. Next to love relationship, and then business, family relationships are at the top of the list for many of my clients.

For many family is a love-hate scenario, which can be particularly challenging. It is said we cannot choose our family, but we can choose how and when, or if, we interact with them. However, severing family ties is a big step and not one taken lightly. By the time this happens the drama, or abuse has been ongoing for years – many times beginning in childhood. A childhood that in spite the passage of time is as fresh and painful as it was when it occurred. If money and or control are woven into the mix, the matter doubles in complexity.

It’s an unfortunate truth that many of the people that I speak with, especially empaths, intuitives and highly sensitive people, have family histories that are rife with conflict, and often also abuse. They often share a feeling of not belonging, being singled out, or being the scapegoat of the family. The suffering is long-term and tragic, with the scars running deep.

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Dolphin – The Magical Marine Mammal

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAt one time in the distant past all of us came from the sea. Our bodies are still about 70% percent water and we have a natural connection with it. Is it any wonder then that humans and dolphins, one of the most intelligent and intuitive animal species, have such an ancient and powerful connection?

In myths from around the world, there are stories of dolphins assisting, healing, and guiding humans at sea. With their kind eye, perpetually ‘smiling’ face and use of language, they are in many ways like us. Scientists observe that dolphins are among the few animal species who have their own ‘dialects’ depending on their location. Some evidence even suggests that dolphins may be telepathic!

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Calming The Stormy Waters Of The Inner Child

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI walk on the beach daily, near my home. In fact, I often walk multiple times a day. This is my meditative and contemplative time, to reflect and see what areas in my life I can improve or change, what areas are working well, and what shifts are going on.

In the morning, the water can be as smooth as glass. This represents true peace, clarity and reflection. In the afternoon, the water can have three-foot to ten-foot waves, and the beach space that was so abundant in the morning, is gone. This represents the turmoil that is happening in my life and on our planet, or just what comes and goes in the daily news.

In the evening, the water settles down. It’s not quite as glass-like as in the morning, however it has a small and calming wave. This represents all the cleansing that happened during the day and the cleansing that is to happen through the night, bringing me full circle to another calm again in the morning.

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Animal Rescue As A Spiritual Calling

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA friend recently asked me if have considered the possibility that all the animal rescue work I have been doing in recent years might be the symptom of a deep desire to heal some wounded part of myself? She also said I may be suffering from what her therapist refers to as a ‘savior complex.’ And this might stem from fear of rejection, insecurities and any other negative experiences from my childhood. I did not get defensive, but said I would ponder her remark. Actually, I am pondering what she said as I type this blog.

As much as my husband and I love all animals, it was never our intention to get as involved as we have now with our bounty of ‘rescued animals.’ In hindsight, we ended up taking in some very sick, injured, starving, and abandoned fur babies, because the small local rescue centre was bursting at the seams. I guess we found ourselves unable to bury our heads in the sand.

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How to Discern Between Emotions And Intuitions

click here for a free reading at PsychicAccess.comMany clients say to me during psychic readings, “I just have this feeling”, or “I don’t know, but something isn’t right.” These are great inquiries, because they are the first steps needed to establish a good working connection with your internal guidance system. Rather than questioning or doubting these feelings, maybe it’s time to tune up your internal guidance to get confirmation and validation for some of these feelings.

When you get upset emotionally about something that has happened in your life, in other words an actual event that occurred in the outer world, which you know really happened and is not imagined, is a different type of feeling compared to an intuition. These feelings have a broad range, from anger, sadness and fear, to joy and bliss. And you usually experience them in response to actual events that happen in your outer world.

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The Life Lesson Of Unconditional Love

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was talking to a friend one day about wedding vows. She is an articulate academic, and a really deep thinker when it comes to the breaking down of words and their more profound meaning. I asked her whether she honestly saw what was coming when her pastor recited the wedding vows ‘in sickness and in health’ and ‘for better or worse’ on the day of her wedding.

“No, I did not,” she replied. “I could never have imagined the turn our path together would take. And there were well-meaning people who warned me of what might lie ahead, and asked me if I knew what I was letting myself in for. But I loved him so much that I didn’t want to know. Besides, how would I have experienced those harsh, and lonely life lessons of living with a secret drinker if I had gone with my head instead of my heart. Not to mention the role played by ‘nature’s trap’… my hormones!” Continue reading

Healing With Rhodochrosite

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA couple years ago, I experienced a series of setbacks and losses. My energy had reached a low point and I knew it was time to get back on track. A good friend told me about her experience using pink Rhodochrosite stones to alleviate emotional blockages and depression and suggested I try it too.

I took her suggestion and went down to my local esoteric shop the next day to pick out a beautiful stone that I could carry in my pocket throughout the day.

It didn’t take long for me to notice the effects of the Rhondochrosite stone energizing my sacral and heart chakras.  A lot of compassion and acceptance replaced the fear and general anxiety. This crystal is often referred to as the “compassionate cheerleader,” because it helps dissolve old wounds and to reconnect with your inner child. Continue reading

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