The Dream That Saved My Life
In my senior year in high school I started to have a dream about me being in the hospital. The dream was so disturbing. It always woke me up out of dead sleep. I told my sister about it and she said don’t worry, it was just a dream.
As a high school student I was seriously into sports. I was running every day, doing exercises and riding my bicycle all over the place. My big goal was to go on a bike tour with other people who were also serious bike riders, going from Columbus to Portsmouth, Ohio. The trip was 125 miles one way and then you had to ride it back too. This is something I had never done before, so I had to push my body in overdrive to reach the highest level of fitness possible. Continue reading
Do You Drink The Water?
For as long as I can remember, I have absolutely hated the taste of water from the faucet. I’ve been saying for years, that I can taste the chemicals in it. So many of my friends and family have laughed at me, telling me I am crazy.
The taste and smell of water that comes out of my kitchen faucet, repulses me to the point that I refuse to drink it. I have found myself in the hospital for dehydration more times than I care to admit.
So, I began wondering… what chemicals are used to treat the water that we drink? Well, I found that it’s not so much the chemicals to clean the water that may be the problem. It is the fluoride that is added to our water. Continue reading
Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?
Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.
Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.
The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading
More Veggies, Less Soda
A healthy body is home to a happy soul. Growing up we were taught of the four basic food groups, but we never learned much more about healthy eating. Vegetables never played much of a role in my life.
I have faced challenges with my weight in recent years and it remains a daily challenge. Some of my clients have had it much worse and have been struggling since childhood. For them it has almost been like a ‘weight demon’ that has been attached to them all their lives. These people sometimes call me looking for help, after they had tried so many other things to lose the weight. It often has cost them a fortune. Continue reading
My Anti-Aging Secret
Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner. And, many of us are doing what we can to look our best for the upcoming summer events. Some of us are dieting frantically. Some of us are buying tanning packages or laying in the sun in the back yard trying to get that perfect tan to go with the new summer outfits. Some of us are getting laser treatments to remove unwanted hair. Some of us are getting our hair highlighted.
I admit, I am guilty of indulging in one or two of the above mentioned beauty and lifestyle techniques. But, I have one carefully guarded secret that I plan to share with the world today.
Quite often, I am met with disbelief and astonishment when I tell people how old I am. I am 41 yrs old. And, I am told that I look no older than 32. I’ve heard “twenty something” but, that is just pushing it. I am a mother of four and also grandmother. And, I honestly don’t have the time or money for expensive skin and hair treatments. Continue reading
Letter To My Daughter
This is a letter to my daughter – if I had one, that is. But I don’t. So, this letter is to her, the daughter I might have had, and also to those young ladies I have known over the years who I have felt were like daughters to me.
My daughter’s name would have been Chantal-Marie, should she have been born. I suppose I could have had her, but life took its course and time slipped away. I was too busy mothering myself, I think, and I couldn’t have mothered her, in retrospect. But hindsight isn’t always 20:20 – don’t let anyone fool you.
So here goes. Strangely enough, I feel as though I were on the edge of a precipice as I write this. It is a most unexpected feeling. Continue reading