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How To Have A More Peaceful, Contented Life

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWouldn’t it be nice if life was always easy and we didn’t have to deal with any stress and arguments between loved ones. Imagine a world where everyone got along really well, where everybody was happy and content, and there was no struggle, so that the short while we all were on this planet could just be enjoyable!

I decided to ask my spirit guide what we could all be more aware of in order to have greater peace, contentment and joy in our lives. The response somewhat surprised me.

“Sleep,” said Spirit. Adequate sleep is one vital thing most humans on this planet are no longer getting enough of. If everyone had proper sleep habits, everybody would get along much better. I then asked how could we get better sleep, as most people work, have families to take care of, and many other responsibilities. And spirit said it has to be a conscious choice and a habitual routine. To improve our sleep our priorities have to change.

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Are You A Magnet For Drama And Chaos?

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of my clients recently relocated to a quieter area, after many years of living a city life. Naturally, she was anticipating a more tranquil existence in her new rural setting, as well as in her new job in a ‘not-so-corporate’ environment. But her new lifestyle did not live up to her expectations. Her geographical change still brought with it a fair amount of chaos.

“What is it with me?” she asked me. “I am like a magnet for drama, and I want the chaos to stop!” Although I kept my focus on doing a reading for her with psychic tools, this was quite a challenging question or me personally, because I had, in fact, also been attracting my own share of drama these past few years.

From my own experience, I know that a certain amount of drama can feel temporarily invigorating, as it prompts the body to produce an adrenaline rush. It can produce a pleasant surge of energy. But it can eventually become particularly debilitating when we are in continuous adrenal overdrive. It’s not an advisable state to be in constantly. After all, we are spiritual beings in a body, and spiritual teachings advise a balance of work, sleep, rest and play!

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The Fallacy Of Future Happiness

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOne of the most consistent messages that come through when I am doing readings for clients, is the effects of the stories we tell about life and our circumstances. This is the first in a series of two blogs discussing two types of stories that people often tell themselves that have the potential to promote self-sabotage related to nearly every area of life.

We are all storytellers by nature and every experience that we have as human beings is an interpretation of the world around us. We apply labels to the world around us and the circumstances we find ourselves in every day. One of the most damaging stories that we tell ourselves are the future stories of happiness.

Spirit will often give us insights into patterns in our own lives to avoid. A consistent pattern to avoid is the fallacy that something in the future will eventually cause happiness. Happiness simply does not work like that.

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