Love Your Neighbor As Yourself
I read an article recently that brought my attention to the hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes happening on our earth, which said this was all prophecy and that it is God’s way of cleansing certain parts of our world. The article quoted scripture, from the book of Job, however it was used to the benefit of the author.
Why would one area be cleansed over another? I pondered this for quite a while, especially after seeing recent reports on extreme natural events in the Caribbean Islands, Florida, Texas, Mexico and Japan. Why just those areas? Why not the entire earth’s population? Surely, none of us are without fault? Every community has a dark side, every nation a history of wrong-doing. Continue reading
Happiness Comes From Your Own Actions
People are too often stuck in a dark place in their lives, thinking that only a relationship, or financial gain, or a new job or house, is going to bring them happiness. The Dalai Lama says, “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” Take a moment to reflect on this statement. It is the simple truth, yet so many of us have a difficult time relating to the simplicity of it.
We have been brought up in a world where it is often believed that happiness is only achieved through external or material sources. But you and I are each responsible for our own happiness. This is a difficult statement for many to comprehend. How can that be? I have nothing. I am alone. I do not have a job. I do not have money in my bank account. I do not have a soulmate to love me.
The answer is very simple. No one else is responsible for your life, or your happiness. You are the sole creator of your reality. Do you choose to be happy, or miserable? Continue reading
Leaving A Legacy – A Message From My Guides
As time goes on, it is natural to think of the impact you might have had on the people, places and things you have encountered over the years.
Some people become great inventors, physicians, leaders, politicians or investors, among many other noble professions. They can measure their legacies easily from the many lives they have touched with their work. Often their identities are household names and the entire world is familiar with their efforts.
But what about those of you who are living day-to-day, doing the best you can to keep your life in balance, your children educated and your mortgage or rent paid? What kind of legacy do you envision for your own family and for the world in which you live? Continue reading
You Are More Powerful Than You Realize
Faith is often defined by dogmas, doctrines, decrees, and creeds. However, these qualities have little to do with substantial spiritual aspects of faith and more to do with systems that attempt to define faith. A true spiritual idea of faith is not about believing the right things, but instead recognizing that our lives can be motivated by the good from which our lives originated.
There is a line in A Course in Miracles that says, “If you knew who walked beside you on the path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” Faith is at its core the understanding that there is something greater that ourselves assisting us in our forward momentum.
Are there correlations between faith and belief? In my experiences of channeling for years, I would say that the qualities of faith and belief do have a tie. You could say that faith and belief have a symbiotic relationship in our lives. Belief is essentially the catalyst of faith, however ‘right’ belief is not necessary for faith experiences. Continue reading
Choose Wisely To Save Your Relationship
Toxic relationships can have a detrimental effect on our health. Some of us stay in toxic relationships for all kinds of reasons. We try and rationalize in our minds the reasons why we should not end it.
Some people think having a family with someone, or owning property together, is reason enough to stay in an unhealthy relationship. Some feel they have invested so much time and energy into the relationship, that it would be a waste to walk out. Others stay for religious reasons.
So, too many people keep living in relationships that are unhealthy and detrimental to their well-being. But what I have learned over the years, as professional psychic and spiritual advisor, is simply this: if the love is no longer there, it wasn’t meant to last; that period of soul growth is complete and it is time to move on. Continue reading
Clutter Bust Your Life
Choosing what you allow and keep in your life gives you a sense of having control of your happiness and your future. If you are hoarder, or living a cluttered existence with too many material possessions, know that it is limiting your spiritual growth and personal fulfillment. The path to enlightenment is not paved with stuff… and more stuff. Maybe it’s time to rid yourself of those things that no longer serve a purpose in your life?
Releasing clutter is a mental thing. Millions of people worldwide suffer from what professional organizers and psychologists call ‘hoarding.’ Most people that have this problem don’t recognize this pattern in themselves, until their lifestyle is really out of control. Clean out all your closets in your home and in your mind. Continue reading
Engaging The Angels In Your Forgiveness Work
Anyone can call on the angels to help them in any situation. Carl Jung called the angels, “The thoughts of God.” You do not have to belong to a specific religion or denomination to ask the angels for assistance and guidance. They are unconditional love manifested into form and can help us through all our challenges.
One thing that I have found useful on my own journey of forgiveness is to engage the angels in my own forgiveness work.
Try this brief invocation to ask the angels for guidance on your healing journey:
Holy Mother, Holy Father God, Light and Love of the Universe, I ask today for assistance with my path. I ask for the angels to surround me and fill me with the light of truth.