Living In A State Of Transcendence
Many people may claim to be enlightened and living in a very spiritually conscious state. What many believe to be reality is very much not. There is a veil that is in front of most people and most do not see through it, even though they want to. It is for most very hard to reach that state of bliss. Once there though it can be very liberating and this feeling of being truly free is difficult to describe in words.
Once soul has arrived at that ideal state of growth and evolution, you have arrived, or rather transitioned to a frequency that is higher than what most people are attuned to. Most people reside and live in the material realm, paying attention to the latest this, or the greatest that, and buying into the material things of the world. Trying to get happiness from this will always lead to a ‘cup half empty’ feeling. Continue reading
Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?
Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.
Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.
The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading
Prayers For A Prodigal Son
I had been wanting to write this for some time, hoping to use the right words to say this. I feel the time is now.
Recently, we celebrated another Father’s Day in many countries all over the world. For the seventh year in a row I did not see my son, Raymond. Yes, as always I got my hopes up, only to be disappointed again. I usually try to prepare myself days in advance, to get myself out of a bad attitude for knowing that he won’t be around.
I am sure there many fathers or mothers who do not get to see their children. I was a good father, and I know that no one can take that away from me. Father’s Day is a lot harder to me than Thanksgiving or even Christmas, because that one day out of the year is to honor your parents. Both of mine are gone, but I still reflect on what I did for them when they were alive, and what they did for me. Continue reading
Manifestations, Mothers And Cars
So, by now, if you are a regular reader of my blogs, you’ve become acquainted with my bipolar mom who is great 75% of the time. You would also know that I am a psychic reader of great faith, and a couple months ago I wrote blogs about both my mom, as well as my plan to manifest a new car for myself. I am pleased to share with you, dear reader, that I have achieved success!
But how, you say. What happened, you ask. I don’t know how it happened, but it did.
While I love my mom tremendously, when she takes a ride on the bipolar train, I step back for a week or two and let her work through it. So, it just was the case a month or so after I wrote that blog, she went on a tear again and I backed way up. I had no choice, because you cannot reason with the unreasonable, and as anyone knows who is familiar with the highs and lows that mental disorders can bring, sometimes it is best to live to fight another day. Always pick your battles carefully. Continue reading
Living A Life Of Increase
To become more, to expand, and to seek more complete expression is inherent in our human condition, because it is an innate quality we possess due to our original spiritual nature. ‘Increasing’ or ‘becoming’ is what drives the expansion of the entire Conscious Universe.
We are each of us a mirror reflection of the Universal Source; we are created in the image of the Divine. We are a perfect imprint of the magnificent Holographic Web of Consciousness. And because we are spiritual beings who reflect the Divine in physical form, we also possess the innate qualities of Divinity. We are self-aware and conscious; we have the capacity for reason, sentience, imagination and creative thought; we command creative freedom and the metaphysical power to manifest; and we have the capacity for complete self-actualization, individuation and transcendence. All these qualities are the expression of our inner Divinity, a direct reflection and extension of the Higher Self. Continue reading
Why Do People Judge Others?
Why do people judge others? Have you ever walked down the street and someone would give you a weird look? Have you ever been in a store and someone would discuss you behind your back?
The reason I feel the need to be bring this up is because I get many calls on a daily basis where a client would tell me how someone has judged them or said something to hurt their feelings.
A week ago I had a caller who was upset, because the person who judged her believed that he can walk on water, and whatever he does in life… he is better than others. I felt bad for my client and I told her that she is better than what this man was telling her. He was trying to push her buttons. I feel when someone puts another person down by judging them, it is because they are trying to make themselves feel better. Continue reading