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The Truth About Dragons

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDragons are often relegated to the realm of myth, but in my experience the energy of these beings can serve as an ally in our everyday life. Dragons in the western tradition tend to have a bad rap. For example, in some Judeo-Christian theology, the dragon is considered a symbol . When I first encountered this type of being in my own life I was taken aback. My roots stem from the Judeo-Christian tradition and much of my training and personal evolution stems from this background.

In eastern cultures, dragons are looked upon in much the same way westerners consider angels. These beings bring with them blessings, help, and unique power to facilitate change. Dragons are also represented in the Biblical tradition as well, but they have a different name.

Several years ago, I had my first encounter with a dragon-like being. When I saw it I heard the word seraph, even though at the time I had little familiarity with the term. I looked up the term and the literal meaning of the word is, ‘flaming serpent.’

In my experience, the creature looked exactly like the traditional conceptualization of a dragon, with a few minor differences. I realized after this first encounter I had interacted with a seraph – one of the classes of angels. Continue reading

Your Intuition Is Always Right

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are often told to follow our instincts, or trust our ‘gut.’ But what does it really mean?

From a psychic perspective, intuition is the sixth sense, the way we are able to perceive things beyond the scope of our five senses. Some people call it the ‘little voice’ within. We all have it, and unless we use it on a regular basis, it may not be as sharp as we need it to be.

If we fail to listen to our intuition, we may find ourselves making poor decisions, which often lead to confusion, misunderstanding, and strife. Then, when it is too late, we often wonder why we didn’t go with our intuition!

It is often said that the first instinct is usually right. That ‘little voice’ we are hearing is actually the voice of the Universe and the Divine speaking directly to us. Whether or not you follow a particular spiritual tradition or religion, cultures around the world have always had an understanding of this phenomenon. It is also the concept behind prayers and mantras being answered directly. When we speak directly to the Divine, it speaks back to us. Its intent is always benevolent, so, even if the answer is no, or isn’t what we’d hoped for, it is in our best interest to take it to heart. Continue reading

Clearing Your Chakras

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith spring just around the corner, many of us have the urge to clean house. But did you know it’s just as important to do a spiritual cleansing? The perfect place to start is our seven chakras: the centers of energy in the human body. It’s just as important to conduct a regular spiritual health check as a physical health check, and for the same reasons.

Much like our cars or living spaces, our chakras don’t function correctly if they are neglected and left to ‘gather dust.’ When this happens our entire well-being is affected, from our physical and emotional health to our relationships with others.

Likewise, we won’t be at our best if we only focus on some, and not all of our chakras. Your car wouldn’t run if you gave it oil changes, but forgot to put air in the tires! The three upper chakras (Crown, Third Eye, Throat), the lower three (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) and the Heart Chakra, which ties them together, are all equally important. Continue reading

Take This Full Moon To Heart

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAnother full moon is upon us today. Every full moon has a pull on your energy, and it can be a positive pull or a negative pull. Full moons simply enhance the emotions you are having at the time. If you are in a ‘funk,’ it is going to make it feel as if your world is falling apart. If you are in a good space, it will make things seem much brighter.

It is important to be more self-aware during a full moon. What is your mood at this time? Where are you emotionally? Are you following a good path for your highest good, or are you sitting in sadness?

Your emotions are so important and if you wish to change the direction that you are being pulled, you have to change the inner you. You have to look in the mirror and say, “There is one amazing soul looking back at me and I am ready to embrace her with unconditional love.” Continue reading

Spiritual Laws That Bring Out The Best In You

click here to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWant a happier and more enriched life on a regular basis? Then why not consider implementing these universal spiritual rules into your daily routine to live your days to the max!

The Law of Uniqueness

Yes, you really are one of a kind. From your DNA to your personality traits, individual experiences and life skills, they are all unique to yourself. To develop understanding and empathy for other individuals, this law requires us to recognize their special uniqueness.

The above said, you, me and everyone else on the planet is made from the very same ingredients, i.e. sulphur, iron and carbon, and so on, which the stars themselves also consist of.  Therefore, we are all star material in our own right! Continue reading

Following What Is True for You

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever noticed that whenever you really enjoy what you’re doing, it’s as though there seems to be an energy flow or undercurrent carrying you? Don’t you wish you could live this way all the time?

Unfortunately, it seems too often we fall prey to worrying about what others might think of us, or we choose the practical path or the road most traveled. We get caught in the trap of following the opinions of others, rather than tuning in and listening to our own inner guidance.

When you follow the flow of what is true for you, it doesn’t mean you are shirking your responsibilities. It also doesn’t mean you are being selfish. It simply means you are choosing moment to moment what feels right. We are influenced every day by society’s standards of what’s right, and we seldom do a self check-in instead. Continue reading

Catching The Bogey Man

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAt a particular time in their life, some people may feel that they have not achieved much success in their career, romantic life, or health and well-being. And often these people accept it to be due to their own wrongdoing. But negative energy in our lives is not always of our own volition.

Granted, when applicable, we should admit that we sometimes might have been operating from a negative vibration, which aids the expansion of such feelings of doubt and a lack of confidence. But sometimes these negative energies in our lives are caused by dark and destructive spiritual forces.

There are unknown entities out there patiently waiting for the opportunity to take control of some unsuspecting soul, especially if you are experiencing trauma, chaos or indecision. One of the main reasons these entities find it so easy to take over and manipulate us in these opportune moments, is because we are feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable. Confusion takes over and our defenses are down. We do not always have the clarity in such difficult times to see what is impeding our progress. Continue reading

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