Life Design
Astrology Forecast August 8 – 14, 2022
Getting the week started may prove challenging this morning with a Sagittarius Moon square Neptune in Pisces, as well as a Venus in Cancer opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Make every effort to guard against laziness, self-indulgent behavior and a passive attitude, as it may set things back for the rest of the week. It will however be all work and little play by this afternoon, as the Moon shifting in Capricorn will insist we now get down to business and make things happen!
The Capricorn Moon will keep us under pressure to perform until Thursday, when the Aquarius Full Moon insists on a sudden shift in direction amplified by Venus moving into fiery Leo. This combination will bring out our fiery and dramatic personality traits, tempting us to put work on the back burner and let our passions and imagination carry us into another dimension. Venus in Leo also lures us into seeking beauty and pleasure. Be careful not to over-indulge and remember that less is more.
The trend continues Friday afternoon with the Moon moving into Pisces causing us to be dreamy and somewhat self-absorbed. Friday evening’s Pisces Moon sextile with Uranus in Taurus is however a social highlight for the week, as it will be a great time to go out with friends and have some fun! Alternatively, it will also be the perfect evening for a romantic date night of ‘Netflix and chill’ with that special someone.
The remainder of the weekend will continue to unfold under a karmic Pisces Moon, calling us back to ourselves to spend a few days soul-searching and connecting with our higher source. It’s one thing to come up with a great plan, and yet another to empower it by joining hands with spirit to manifest our dreams, so let’s make it a point to engage Spirit in our plans for the future, to assure they come to pass in the greatest manner possible.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.
Chiron Retrograde Is An Opportunity For Deep Healing
A lesser-known celestial body to watch if one is metaphysically inclined is the planet-like asteroid or comet known as Chiron, which orbits between the planets Saturn and Uranus. It is named after the wise centaur in Greek mythology who could heal others, but not himself, and is associated with the archetype of the ‘wounded healer.’
Chiron went retrograde recently on July 19th and its reverse trajectory will last until December 23rd, 2022. This astrological event will challenge us, as Chiron symbolizes the unhealed pain and unresolved past traumas we still carry within. It represents our deepest, core wound and our efforts to heal that wound. The good news is, despite a retrograde cycle bringing challenge, it also bring opportunity for expansion and growth.
Chiron is currently in the fiery, action-oriented sign of Aries where it will remain until the year 2026. This is a difficult placement, because Chiron is all about deep introspection, delicate shadow work and patiently working towards the healing of old wounds, while Aries has little patience in such matters and just wants to ‘get on with it.’
You may feel tempted to rush into the core of your pain and trauma due to this retrograde, but be sensible instead and take a step back. This retrograde period does offer a powerful opportunity for working on inner healing and forgiveness, but take a measured approach and do not foolishly rush in where angels may fear to tread. Give yourself permission to honor slow, steady processing, healing and growth. Healing is like a seed we plant; it takes time for an acorn to grow into an oak tree.
If you find your temper and emotions flaring, remember to breathe, use mantras, and positively visualize your outcome. New growth takes place after a wildfire (Aries) and this is an excellent time to start anew, while overcoming old traumas.
Letting Go Is The Key To Past Life Encounters
In my psychic readings over the years, I have had many of my clients around the world asking about a special person in their lives. Often the thoughts and feeling they experience with this person are so real, and the connection feels very strong right away.
The way they explain the feeling to me is that they feel like they have known that person their whole life. If they have just met very recently, and feel this kind of connection, there is often a past life connection or soul agreement. Once you make this kind of connection with someone then you have a fair chance to see where the relationship leads to.
Previous relationships that ended bad, because there was no lasting connection, can have a negative influence on soulmate connections from past lives. Many of us unfortunately want to hold on to such bad learning experiences.
When we are unwilling to let go it is often because we are scared to be hurt again. Then we have someone special enter our lives from a past life connection and we sometimes make it hard for this new person, while they really are not the one to blame for all the pain we experienced in the past with others.
Letting go of the past, and forgiving and moving on, seem so hard to so many people, but it can be so easy when there is someone special in your life to have new beginning with.
Our past lives experience also go beyond meeting someone new. One good example is visiting a location that seem familiar to you. Our past lives, like our dreams, are mystical glimpses into other worlds. We may not always know why we see what we see, but when we do it’s an enlightening look into a past we once lived that offers us personal growth and opportunity for healing.
The Deeper Meaning Of Color Stereotypes
Have you ever heard the expression someone “talks a blue streak?” It refers to a person who talks rapidly and non-stop. But why use the adjective blue? I suspect it may originate from the metaphysical tradition of the color blue being associated with speaking one’s truth (throat chakra) and creative expression. People who gravitate towards this color are often creatives or performers, such as designers, fine artists, singers, dancers, and so on.
Communicating succinctly is the most powerful way we can make a connection with others beyond our subliminal energy connections with everyone around us. An over-abundance of words, however, translates into a lack of trust on the speaker’s part that she is not accepted by others, be it family members, coworkers, friends, or stranger she encounters along her life path. Speaking clearly and concisely is an art.
The color red also holds a fascination for me, as I perceive it to be a color that is so amazingly misunderstood. Red is generally interpreted as the color of anger, such as “I was so mad, I was seeing red.” Red is also used to denote danger in road signs and red cars are said to be associated with speed and aggressive driving.
But the color red also has many positive symbolic meanings in different cultures, including about passion, excitement, love, vigor, health, life and even spiritual zeal.
Another brilliant color that is often misrepresented is black. Once again, it is generally seen as a color related to depression, sadness, gloom, negativity and evil. In my view black stands out as a harmonious hue. If we see it in a positive light, black can be considered as a sharply defined, elegant color. It is symbolic of power, mystery, and sophistication. No one can deny the glamour of showing up to a dinner party in a smart little black dress or a tailored black tuxedo.
Astrology Forecast August 1 – 7, 2022
Communication, research, and innovation are the themes of the week as the Moon travels through thought-provoking signs and Mercury moves into the idealistic sign of Virgo on Thursday.
With a Virgo Moon overhead today, we’ll start the week out by organizing and refining our thoughts, goals, and plans for the future.
The Mars and Uranus conjunction in Taurus this morning will further boost our energy levels and will keep us focused on our goals for the week ahead. However, don’t allow your determination and focus to turn into an impulsive and stubborn mindset. Rules are there for a reason, so don’t foolishly break them because you feel somewhat unstoppable this morning!
Tomorrow and Wednesday we’ll be striving for balance under the Libra Moon, double-checking facts, and making sure our ideas are sound and attainable.
The Venus in Cancer sextile with Uranus in Taurus tomorrow morning will be the ideal time to ask that special someone out on a date. Venus and Uranus in this constellation tends to make people more open and receptive to to romance, love and new connections, so strike while the iron is hot!
Mercury will move into Virgo, one of the signs it rules, on Thursday, speeding up our thoughts and inspiring our visions for the next three weeks. Combined with a Scorpio Moon, we’ll move beyond the tangible and consider alternate ways to bring our dreams into reality.
The pace will slow a bit over the weekend, as the Sagittarius Moon encourages us to lighten the pace and spend more time interacting with others in social and fun-loving ways. Just be sure to write down those flashes of brilliance when they pop up this week, for further investigation next week.
Read Susyn’s daily horoscope for your zodiac sign now on our website at: Daily Horoscopes By Susyn.
Hold On To Your Inner Peace
One must never allow anyone or anything to steal your peace. However, while it may be easy to agree to this motto in principle, it is not always so simple to implement it. What does it really mean to deeply feel one’s peace and fully exercise your freedom to shield and protect it?
There are so many ways that our peace can be ‘stolen.’ Some causes are external, or appear to be, when outward events and behaviors of others disrupt our peace. But the real steal always happens within. And it only happens when you surrender it to the situation or allow others to take to from you.
It does not matter what the external situation is, or what the words and actions of others may be, giving away or handing over your peace rests solely in your own heart, mind, and personal choices. So, does protecting your peace.
The soul is by nature peaceful. Identifying yourself as the eternal soul or spirit, not the temporary body or mind, anchors you in that peace. When something unsettling in this world arises, reminding yourself who you truly are spiritually will help you reconnect with your inherent state of inner peace.
Our spiritual sense of self-identity can further be strengthened by our daily spiritual practice and by studying the characteristics of the eternal soul. In the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita, for example, Krishna describes the soul as indestructible, imperishable, and immeasurable. It is unborn, ever-existing, immutable, unchanging, and everlasting.
Furthermore, the Bhagavad Gita identifies the soul as an infinitesimal spark of energy emanating from the infinite Supreme Person, who is the source of all material and spiritual worlds. Different energies of this Supreme Divine Being are detailed in different categories as internal, external, and marginal. Continue reading