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Soul Scribes – Writing As Soul Craft

Click on picture for a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOut of all the creative activities we perform, perhaps none is more of a channel into our inner workings and those of the Universe, than writing. You may be saying that you’re not much of a writer? False! Everyone is a ‘soul scribe’ and everyone has a story to tell.

The real purpose of soul writing or soul journaling is not necessarily to tell a story with a beginning and end at all. It’s about the journey, and not the destination. When we write, particularly by hand, we are tapping our subconscious. The more we incorporate it into our daily routine, the more we start to see patterns and symbols emerge.

If you’re just beginning, remember that it takes at least thirty days to build a new habit. Don’t be concerned with correctness, spelling, grammar, or neatness. When you write, put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you. It you feel so inclined, add doodles or flourishes to your work. Remember, you’re putting a part of yourself down on paper.

A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to “become”. It is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember, and dream ~ Brad Wilcox

It’s best to spend at least a few minutes each day on your soul writing. Find a journal or notebook specifically for that purpose. When you write, try to distance yourself from distractions such as your phone or TV. Soft music may however help you to tap deeper into your creativity.

Center yourself before you start through a brief meditation or prayer. After that it really is entirely up to you. There’s no right or wrong way to write. If poetry is your cup of tea, write poems. More of a prose person? That’s all right too. Your journal is not going to be judged, graded, or analyzed.

Chances are, the more you write, unpleasant themes or memories may emerge in your writing. This is a healthy way to confront those issues. Rather than keeping them bottled up, you are able to look at them right there, on paper, in front of you.

Some people report that it is also helpful to tear up or burn the pages containing those painful memories. Again, this is a perfectly healthy way to process pain. If you choose to do this, you may wish to recite an affirmation as a kind of ritual.

I release these memories.

The most amazing thing about writing is, it doesn’t take any special coaching or expensive equipment, as with music, art or other forms of recreation. If you have a few minutes, a piece of paper, and any writing implement, you have what it takes to be a soul writer.

I don’t want to live in a hand-me-down world of others’ experiences. I want to write about me, my discoveries, my fears, my feelings, about me ~ Helen Keller

If you feel in need of inspiration, many well-known healers are also soul writers, such as Iyanla Vanzant, Anne Lamott, and Natalie Goldberg. Pick up one of their books at your local library, or check out a soul writer blog online. But you don’t have to write in flowery language, or even in complete sentences, to be a success. In fact, the goal of soul writing is not success, but healing, wholeness, and personal exploration.

You have exactly what you it takes. Pick up your pen and start writing today.

About The Author: Mystic Shelley

Mystic Shelley is a five-star psychic, Reiki healer, clairvoyant and empathic reader. She offers her clients honest answers about past, present and future events with the help of her trusted guides. She reads in the area of love, relationships, career, money and all matters of life. Mystic Shelley was born with talents that would later mark her as a gifted psychic, but she chose not to embrace them early on. In her 30’s, a not-so-chance meeting with a celebrated psychic set her on a course that awakened her gifts. Born with the gifts of clairvoyance and empathy, her psychic mentor helped her to expand those abilities, taking her talents to the next level. With experience came proficiency and today she has a growing list of devoted clients who sing her praises. In addition, she’s also actively assisted other psychics to open up to their abilities. If you are looking for direct and honest answers get a reading with Mystic Shelley now at

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