unconditional love
An Eye For An Eye Makes The Whole World Blind
I have certainly been trespassed against; maligned, misunderstood, abused and betrayed, as I suspect you may have too. Many of us have been hurt and wounded.
Some of my hurts occurred at a young and tender age, when there seemed to be no healing granted; when the best I could do then was retreat and lick my wounds alone.
Since that time so long ago, I have also seen much vindication. This ability to witness what I have called “the coming around of the going around,” hasn’t been only in seeing karmic issues resolved for little slights, but for big wounds as well. But what of forgiveness? Continue reading
Watch Your Tongue, For Less Is More
We all know individuals we sometimes wish had a zipper attached to their lips. You know, those people who constantly gossip and speak out of turn, with a tendency to go on, and on, and on? Some people just don’t seem to care if people view them disrespectfully, or are annoyed by their verbal outbursts or destructive communication. They just don’t care. Period.
I have some personal experiences that you might relate to. How about a family member around whom you always have to watch what you say. Everyone is constantly walking on egg shells, for fear of saying the wrong thing, because this person will take it as a personal attack. You dare say something out of line… and you open a can of blah-blah-blah! Some people truly feel the world revolves around them. They take life much to seriously. Continue reading
Letting Go Of Toxic Love
I have been reading for many years for a lady who is one of my dearest clients. I just love her to pieces. But I did not love the situation she was in with the man in her life, and neither did she. But it took her a long time to come to terms with him.
She was raising their child, while she worked and paid all the bills. Meanwhile, he did as he pleased and did very little to contribute to their home or their relationship. Neither did he make any effort to support her and their child. He has substance abuse problems. When he drinks he uses foul language and doesn’t exercise good judgment. Most of all he isn’t a good role model for their child.
He basically just drank and smoked, while he lay around all day. “And on top of that he eats me out of house and home!” she used to say. Continue reading
A Legacy Of Unconditional Love
Recently, I was privileged enough to attend the celebration of life for my sweet cousin, Irene. She was clearly much loved. The hall not only had to have extra seats brought in, but it became standing room only.
What was so great about this little lady? Was she a politician in the public eye? A celebrity of some notoriety? Did she find the cure for a life threatening disease? Or was it the mere fact that she had spent 89 years of her life here on this plane? None of the above.
As a young girl, Irene would have been considered “wild”. She and a girlfriend not only took a bus trip across Canada, but also went by themselves to another country, which was not readily done in the early 40’s. But this is not what made her so remarkable. Her utlimate legacy was her ability to love others unconditionally. Continue reading
Embrace Your Soul Family
We are all connected. We always meet up with people in our lives that are kindred spirits. We all know that feeling that comes over you; that familiarity that makes you stop in your tracks and think, “Wow I know that person from somewhere, but can’t place where I have met them.”
We haven’t met them in this incarnation, but in past lives.
We know these souls from our past, because they are in our cell memory. There is still unfinished business to be completed. That is why we are meeting up with similar souls that we have known in our past lives, be it here or in another world. We are constantly learning and constantly evolving, and many times we come back in groups, if not every time. Continue reading