spiritual messages
A Red Rose From The Other Side
A dear client has been having wonderful dreams for many months now of her husband who died in an automobile accident. He was working nights, and on his way home early in the morning hours he fell asleep at the wheel. His car missed the curve and smashed into a tree. He had probably been there for several hours, before day light and someone found him. When emergency medical arrived they concluded that he had died instantly, on impact.
Four days after he passed they would have celebrated her 53rd birthday and they were planning a trip to Florida in the fall, as they both had been working very hard and needed vacation. She always received roses from him on Valentine’s Day, as well as on their Anniversary and special holidays. Sometimes he simply gave her roses just to say, “I love you.” Continue reading →
Connecting With Loved Ones Through Meditation
When we become silent within, we can enter into an alpha state that takes us into a deep meditative state. We don’t force thoughts out so much as just allow them to come and go. In this altered state of consciousness we connect with a higher frequency, one of complete bliss and sense of spiritual connection.
If we set an intention, while going into such a meditative state, we can have a ‘line in the water’ to connect with our loved ones who have crossed over. I have helped many clients connect with their loved ones after their passing. I often share with them some simple things they can do to open the door for an opportunity for their loved ones to come through. Continue reading →
No Message From The Other Side?
Why don’t I receive any contact from my loved one on the other side? This is a frequently asked question which often comes my way. I don’t always have an answer, but often the truth is that the questioner is either anxious, or wanting it so much that they are blocking the reason for their question.
Sometimes people will say they’ve begged the deceased to give them evidence of their survival, and to just let them know that they are happy and healed from any emotional or physical trauma they knew on this side of the veil. At times, the messages from their loved ones, given to the messenger such as myself, are undeniable proof of their existence after death. These evidential messages can be very detailed, and yet some receivers still tend to doubt. Continue reading →
When All Seems Lost
I have taken many psychic reading calls from clients who feel they are “stuck in a hole” in their life. This dark pit is different for every individual. For some it is the hope to be reunited with a lost lover, or not receiving any spiritual messages from their deceased loved ones; while for others it is being stuck in a dead-end job they hate, or not being able to find a decent job.
I have helped plenty of people and clients come out of that dark hole and helped them to see what they thought was impossible… is possible. As a result I have also taken many calls from clients thanking me for the advice and guidance I had given them. Often they have made changes to their environment, or they changed the people they allowed to be around them, or they even changed their profession. Continue reading →
Table Tipping
Table tipping, also known as table-turning is a form of spirit communication during séances known as “physical phenomena.”
Table tipping became popular during the rise of the Spiritualist movement in the mid 1800s. It was consider a great way to entertain your guests at social gatherings, and was even considered to be a parlor game. Even President Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln had such goings on in the White House. Many people of that era had neither the means or easy access to professional psychic mediums as we do today. Small groups of people, family and friends, would get together and try to communicate with the spirit world themselves. Patience and the singing of lively songs of the day, to raise the vibration in the room, ensured some sort of physical phenomena to happen. Continue reading →
My Grandfather’s Gift Of Love
Cherubic looking, my grandfather had a round face that was quick to reveal his kindness and sense of empathy. He was just as fast to express humor, which he frequently did. His tummy shook a bit when he laughed… like Santa Claus. He was a little, round Irish man that doted on me when I was deeply in need of this level of nurturing.
It’s not a bad story, as stories go. I was simply born to a couple of kids. My mother and father were naive country folk, and very young. I think that children back then, especially at those tender ages, were even younger than their years, as compared to today’s off-spring. The world was also naive then, compared to now. In any case, when I was an infant they left me with my grandfather to raise, due to his insistence. Continue reading →
Gone Too Soon
When I was younger, I used to always love going to the cemetery. I just loved spending time there reading, or contemplating all the mysteries of life. I would connect with my higher consciousness and enjoy the silence. It is one of the few places I was able to disconnect and separate myself from the drama and chaos of the world, and embrace stillness and solitude.
I have started visiting the cemetery again recently, but this time with a heavy heart. I have been visiting the grave of a young child who crossed over way to soon.
A friend of a friend lost her son to a terrible accident, while playing in their yard. I had always felt something tragic was going to happen if a certain dangerous item was not removed from the yard. I had mentioned this on several occasions to our mutual friend, but sadly the necessary changes were never made. Continue reading →
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- psychicramdev on How To Navigate The Sun’s Debilitation In Libra
- Grace on The Psychic Technique Of Remote Viewing
- Pam on Energy Protection 101
- Jo on The Principles Of Ethical Psychic Reading
- Brad Hanson on Are You On The Karmic Path Of Grace?
- Brad Hanson on What Comes First: Friendship Or Romance?
- Julie on The Spiritual Significance Of 444
- Julie on Astrology Forecast September 16 – 22, 2024
- Mary on Overcoming Your Inner Saboteur
- Dukun on The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination
- Lynda on Is It Safe To Use A Ouija Board?
- Michaelene on Is Your History Repeating Itself?
- Alexandra on The People In Your Tarot Court Cards
- Evie Fay on Breaking Free From A Toxic Family Curse
- Marcus on How To Use Your Astrological Natal Chart
- Jennifer on Pennies From Heaven
- Cidnee on Mediums To The Rescue