Connecting With Loved Ones Through Meditation
When we become silent within, we can enter into an alpha state that takes us into a deep meditative state. We don’t force thoughts out so much as just allow them to come and go. In this altered state of consciousness we connect with a higher frequency, one of complete bliss and sense of spiritual connection.
If we set an intention, while going into such a meditative state, we can have a ‘line in the water’ to connect with our loved ones who have crossed over. I have helped many clients connect with their loved ones after their passing. I often share with them some simple things they can do to open the door for an opportunity for their loved ones to come through.
Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak ~ Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
Praying for a visitation is one way to make contact, and using meditation is another wonderful way. Meditation is one of my favorite ways to connect with my grandparents and many other loved ones, guides and friends who are no longer with us in the physical. Holding something that belonged to them or using automatic writing are also helpful methods. One of my favorites is through dreams, as our loved ones who have crossed over love to visit us in the astral realm. The dream state, is the perfect meeting place.
To meditate, find a place you can be and embrace the silence. The next step, when connecting with a loved one through meditation, is to focus on your emotional connection with your loved one. I’m not suggesting you start crying, but just focus on your love for the person who has crossed over.
Meanwhile silence your mind. Don’t work hard to keep the thoughts away, just let them come in and out as they will, without paying too much attention to them. Allow the spontaneous feelings and thoughts to simply flow by. Don’t feel that you are making anything up, if a loved one is making contact you will know it.
Meditation is the golden key to all the mysteries of life ~ Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
There are often clear signs that a loved one is making contact. You may smell something, or feel something. A few clients have told me they smelled a loved one’s cigarette smoke, or heard their voice, or they felt a kiss on the cheek.
Sometimes you may become deeply immersed in the intense love that you have for this person. It will come in waves as you meditate and it will be a wonderful experience – one to be remembered for a long time. It’s a gift to give yourself and your loved one, especially if they have messages they wish to share with you. Often they have been just waiting for you to invite them in.
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