A Red Rose From The Other Side
A dear client has been having wonderful dreams for many months now of her husband who died in an automobile accident. He was working nights, and on his way home early in the morning hours he fell asleep at the wheel. His car missed the curve and smashed into a tree. He had probably been there for several hours, before day light and someone found him. When emergency medical arrived they concluded that he had died instantly, on impact.
Four days after he passed they would have celebrated her 53rd birthday and they were planning a trip to Florida in the fall, as they both had been working very hard and needed vacation. She always received roses from him on Valentine’s Day, as well as on their Anniversary and special holidays. Sometimes he simply gave her roses just to say, “I love you.”
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you … I could walk through my garden forever ~ Alfred Tennyson
She told me in tears that he came to her in what had been their bedroom, and sat down next to her as she was sleeping. He was talking to her and she felt he was truly there with her, only communicating with her through the dream state.
He told her he loved her and needed her to be strong and live her life, as he is okay and experiencing the best “vacation” ever! He also reassured her that when her times comes he will be there to lead her to where he is and experience what he is experiencing.
For a moment he also allowed her to feel what he was experiencing on the other side. She said the best words she could come up with to describe the wonderful experience would be “pure bliss.” She felt immense joy, comfort and inner peace. She wished she could have enjoyed that “state of heaven” for longer.
When she awoke, she found one red rose on her bed on the side where he would sleep. On his side of the bed was a little shelf where she had placed a bunch of very pretty synthetic roses. “They are fake,” she said, “but they remind me of him.” She had placed them in a vase that he had given her on their 20th wedding anniversary. During the night one of those red roses had somehow made its way from the vase on the shelf on to the bed – right next to her. It was his gift to her, to let her know he is never far away.
It isn’t possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal ~ E.M. Forster
I was so happy to hear that he finally came through for her, as I had been helping her to connect with him through the dream state. Although she is a seasoned intuitive, she was struggling to find ways to receive messages from him. She was also relieved that he finally “showed up,” because she was starting to wonder if he even made it over to the other side. This confirmed it for her and the fact that he was able to give her messages was the cherry on top of the whole experience.
I’m so glad she stuck with me for so long until it finally worked for her. What a blessing to hear her words when she said my hard diligent work paid off and that she was going to continue to record her dreams. That is the key – to record those dreams when trying to connect with any of your loved ones or guides.
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