spiritual messages
Communicating With Heaven
Many of us choose to see Heaven, the Afterlife, or Paradise, as a sort of “other world,” a place we will never be allowed to see or experience until we die. The truth is, we interact with the spiritual realm every day!
Our current plane of physical existence is but one of many other dimensions. We have the ability to send messages to the spirit world, and vice versa. Even our jaded culture recognizes this. Have you ever heard the song Pennies from Heaven? Or maybe you are familiar with the old saying that seeing a red cardinal bird means that a dead loved one is thinking of us? These are just two small examples of many interfaces with the afterlife. Heaven is constantly trying to talk to us, but we’re usually too busy or oblivious to even notice. So how do we learn to listen? Continue reading →
The Mysterious Man Who Followed Me
I kept seeing him. He would show up everywhere. I would be walking in the park and he would walk past me. Or I would be shopping at the supermarket, and he would appear between the isles… looking at me. He would appear to me walking on the sidewalk as I drove by. I even saw him the other day leaving the farmers market.
Do you ever experience seeing the same person over and over? You feel that they might be following you. It can get as creepy as feeling you have an actual stalker.
I finally realized who this person is just the other day, while talking with someone whom I haven’t seen in a long while. My friend shared with me that her boyfriend had died in a boating accident several months ago, while he was out fishing. Apparently she has also been seeing him. I never met him, but she had told him of me when he was still alive. He had known that I am a medium. Continue reading →
Autumn Wishes
Leaves may be falling in the northern realms at this time of the year, but if you can still see the ground there is Fall gardening to be done. While there are some plants that thrive in this time of the “dying year”, there are many other plants that will need to be rescued before the first frost comes to take them away and that is where you will be busy with Fall gardening. Get out your gloves and get ready because you need to prepare your garden for the long winter months ahead.
Life is full of changes. We have choices in our attitude about the changes. We can look forward to each one with great expectations of wonderful new paths, or we can look with dread at our lives becoming different. Continue reading →
Trusting Your Intuitions
Call them whatever you like – hunches, moments of grace, inklings – our intuitive feelings are usually right on the money. They take so many forms: dreams, feelings of déjà vu, sensations of a hand on our shoulder, hearing your name when no one is there. So why don’t we listen more often?
As spiritual beings we live in a world that tells us there should be a “rational” or “scientific” explanation for everything. Yet we’ve all heard the stories about the woman who didn’t board a plane, which later crashed, because of her intuition. Or a man who never plays the lottery and instinctively buys a ticket, which turns out to win. The truth is, the universe is constantly sending us these kinds of messages, even if they’re not always on such a grand scale. It is up to us to adjust our minds and spirits to properly receive them. Continue reading →
Time Waits For No One
I was meditating deeply one afternoon wanting to connect with my spirit guide. I wanted to see if I there was anything that I needed to know, or anything that could help me be a better person. I then heard the words: “Time waits for no one.”
I had been putting various things off for a while in my life, but I sensed this message was not for me. Sometimes when I hear things I later find out that they were for someone else: a client, family member, or friend.
Later that day, I took a call on PsychicAccess.com from one of my regulars who I often read for. She asked me if there was anything that she needed to know and I instantly knew the message about time and procrastination was for her, so I told her about what came through to me while I was meditating. She started crying. Continue reading →
Intuition – The Unconscious Language Of The Soul
Primitive man greatly relied on his intuition, because he thought in images and symbols, and listened to his ‘inner voice’ and trusted his ‘gut’. Early man fluently spoke the language of the intuitive mind, the language of his spiritual origins.
Man is born intuitive, because man is of spiritual origin. Intuition is the earthly language of Spirit and it transcends the limitations of this time-space dimension.
Some scientists argue that intuition is merely an aspect of our normal human intelligence developed out of primitive man’s animalistic survival instincts. The concepts of “relying on your instincts” and “following your intuition” is therefore often used inter-changeably or in the same context. Many people assume that instinct and intuition are the same thing. This is however an incorrect assumption. Continue reading →
Five Crystals For Angelic Connection
Connecting with angels can be a beautiful way of connecting with Spirit. Crystal therapy can be used to help you connect with these higher vibrational beings.
Angels are an extension of our source, and are loving, light beings that can help us in our everyday life. They are ministers of the Divine, and bring with them Divine energy and healing energy.
There are different classes of angels, including guardian angels, archangels, and the ministry of angels. When first connecting with angels, it is best to start with your guardian angel. Our guardian angel is a more familiar energy, since it is the angel that has been with you from birth. Your guardian angel has a mandate to follow you through your entire life experience. Continue reading →
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- Julie on Astrology Forecast September 16 – 22, 2024
- Mary on Overcoming Your Inner Saboteur
- Dukun on The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination
- Lynda on Is It Safe To Use A Ouija Board?
- Michaelene on Is Your History Repeating Itself?
- Alexandra on The People In Your Tarot Court Cards
- Evie Fay on Breaking Free From A Toxic Family Curse
- Marcus on How To Use Your Astrological Natal Chart
- Jennifer on Pennies From Heaven
- Cidnee on Mediums To The Rescue