soul energy
Where Do We Go After This Life?
Where do we go to after this lifetime? This is a fundamental question many of us would like to have answered by spirit. I asked this for myself some time ago and found out that when I leave this plane some day, I will be going to a place called “Sanatch.” No other information was forthcoming, so I have no idea where that is, or what it is I will be doing there.
I was also able to see where some of the people in my life will be heading to next. Some have meanwhile departed and are now entrenched into their new existence.
My sister, Alfreda, went to work at the tender age of 15, which was typical in the early 50’s. She worked for a large jewelry store called Burk’s, which is still in existence today. As a part of her duties she would go to different floors of the store using the elevator system. On one such an excursion Alfreda met a good-looking, and very friendly young man named Andre, and as they say the rest was history. Continue reading
Life Is Sweeter With Kindred Souls
Some people simply add value to our lives. Kindred souls are true friends who make us feel that sharing space with them, or being around them, is right where we are meant to be. I call that comfortable, blissful feeling “being in Zen.”
Then of course we have all experienced sharing space with toxic people who make us feel like we need to leave immediately, because if we don’t take action we will soon start to feel depleted or drained. I like to describe that feeling as “going against the grain.” It very much feels like I’m doing something that doesn’t feel right, or that I am not where I’m supposed to be. Continue reading
It’s Okay To Take Care Of Your Self
Only you know when it’s time to come out of the closet. Only you know when it’s time to live the life you have always wanted, or were called to live. Is your life like a hamster on a wheel, same old, same old? If you do the same old thing the same old way, you will always get the same old result. Step off the wheel and try something new in your life.
Get rid of the shoulds and should nots. You will always hear that little voice inside your head saying, “I can’t do that, I’m not smart enough… I’m not good enough… I don’t deserve that..” On and on, downing and judging yourself. Only you know when it’s time to clean house, get rid of the useless mental chatter and feel good about yourself. Continue reading
Your Future Baby Is Right There, Next To You!
One of the connections I am able to make as a psychic, and have been able to make since I was a child, is the connection between mother and future child.
I remember, for example, seeing a three year old (I almost always see them as three years old for some reason) playing next to a sixteen year old classmate when I was still in high school. Six months later, this classmate left school, because she was pregnant. I was still confused by my psychic abilities and still doubting them at that time. I remember thinking it was just a coincidence.
I have had this happen so many times, that I no longer doubt that I am seeing the new soul connecting with and getting used to the energy of their soon to be mother. I have never seen this with fathers. I am not sure why; perhaps it is because the soul needs to connect with the mother’s body and energy, because the two will soon merge? Continue reading
Past Lives Leave Emotional Imprints
I recently did a psychic reading for a lady who has a real fear of the ocean. Her fear extends to being a passenger in an aircraft flying high above the ocean, to being on the beachfront trying to relax to the sound of waves crashing along the shore-line. She had booked a session with me to see if we could discover the source of her deep-seated fear of the sea.
The answer to people’s emotional blocks often comes to me through imagery and sounds, which I receive in my mind’s eye. Sometimes scrying using the crystal ball, or Tarot images and symbols are a catalyst for insights which spirit shows me. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 1 of 7) – Death
A question that has been on the minds of humans since they were able to contemplate their own mortality is, “What happens when we die?”
Spiritual and religious traditions give many answers to this particular quandary. There are contemplations about a heaven, or a place of bliss that exists after we die. Or maybe a hell, based on our actions in this lifetime, or our adherence to a particular religious system. Still other philosophies identify a reincarnation cycle that is associated with the human experience of life and death.
In this series I will be discussing my personal viewpoints about the subject, and why I have over the course of my life come to these conclusions. At a young age I had a near-death experience, and it was this particular experience that set me on the course to becoming an intuitive. Continue reading