Cleaning Up After Another Fake Psychic
It is always good to hear a new client tell you that they have finally found someone to read for them that they feel they can trust.
Just last week a new client said she never knew that she could actually trust psychics. After yet another bad experience with a psychic in her area, she decided to search the Internet to find a reliable psychic. When she came across Psychic Access and saw their strict hiring policies, she felt that she had found the right place. Continue reading
Take Note, You Receive Signs Every Day!
We get signs all the times from our spirit guides and angels, but we more often than not do not recognize them. We do not realize that some of the miracles that happen in our lives today, were revealed to us a long time ago. A good way to see these patterns of manifestation in our lives is to keep journal.
I often suggest to my clients that they write stuff down, even if it was from a dream they felt had no significance at the time. If the dream seems very strong it is best to write it down, because there is always reason why you had that dream. The same applies to personal intuitions and information you receive during readings that does not make sense at the time. Continue reading
My Amazing First Experience With Psychometry
Several years ago, during a psychic awareness workshop at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research in the UK, I had a profound experience with ribbon psychometry.
Exercises with psychometry are often done in groups of two, in which the participants exchange small personal items. Psychometry is the art of reading the energy imprints on objects. The objects can vary: photographs, jewelry or even a key-ring. These and other tokens must have meaning to, and has been handled primarily by their owner. The main objective is that the item carries the vibration of its owner.
Our class of ten was made up of men and women from all over the world, as well as a few from Britain. We were all new to the concept of reading with ribbons. Continue reading
All’s Well That Ends Well
Psychic reading clients need to understand that at times psychics can be off on the timing, when a client asks for a date during a reading. It has happened many times that I would predict a date or offer a timeline that only came to pass a while later, or even sooner.
I know it is hard on the client sometimes, because they want that person to come back soon, or they want a problem that is causing them anxiety to be resolved. I always try my best to give an accurate date when a client asks for it. But time frames are hard to read and seldom exact. As a psychic client myself, I have learned this over the years through personal experience. I always take the time forecasts of psychics with a grain of salt. Continue reading
The Bridge
One of my clients once had dreams about a bridge she had never seen before, and many years later I saw the same bridge when she contacted me for a psychic reading. It turned into a very unusual reading. I brought stuff up on what I was seeing that had nothing to do with the actual reading my client originally requested.
For some reason I kept seeing cows around her? I also heard a bell in the distance. It was not a cow bell; it sounded more like an old church bell that was out of tune. And I could see heavy rain, as if a storm was ready to hit, and the wind was blowing really hard where you could not see in front of you. I also felt the need to encourage her to be careful if she goes any place… to please be careful. Continue reading