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Candle Divination

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comCertain rituals or daily actions can sometimes trigger a powerful memory. This just occurred as I was lighting some candles in my work area. The lighting of the candles prompted me to look for some notes I had tucked away relating to the flame of a candle, because for some reason my lit candles seemed to be demanding my attention.

Reading the notes took me back to a psychic awareness event I attended many years ago. A colorful lady, who made and sold her beautiful candles, gave an engaging talk at this get-together. She was passionate about the symbolism of the movement of the candle flame. She reminded her audience that as spirit affects the atmosphere around us, with anything from a gentle breeze to an icy chill in the air, they often also communicate with us by influencing the flame of a candle. Continue reading

The Value Of Prophetic Predictions

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe next major lottery winner will be in Pittsburg… The next riots will occur in Alabama… In six years we will face a major global catastrophe.

We are being given these predictions for a reason. They are to help us understand that the Universal Forces can see at any given time where we are headed, and while they cannot interfere, they are hoping if we are shown what is about to transpire, especially if it is something that is going to bring us grief, maybe we will start taking the appropriate action to ward off some of the harm.

It can be extremely frightening to experience these visions. However, we must be courageous enough to accept what we are being presented with and find within ourselves the ability to let others know what is about to occur. Continue reading

Is Your Texting Pushing Men Away ?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA client recently called me about a new and promising relationship. She has a long history of dating men who show the promise of a potential long-term relationship, who then suddenly disappear or unexpectedly break up with her after few months.

It was immediately apparent to me that texting played a detrimental role in her dating woes. Misunderstandings due to texting have ruined the romantic, family and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with. This client was no different. Reading her energy I instantly perceived that she tends to push men away by panicking unnecessarily. Men can smell panic and it is a total turn off. It’s also stressful and will not change the outcome of a situation for the better. Excessive obsession, panic and worry will not bring someone closer to you. Instead it can push a potential long-term relationship away. Continue reading

Liberty And Psychic Connection For All

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have been doing psychic readings for many years, and the one thing I am absolutely confident of is that all human beings have psychic or intuitive potential. This always brings up the question, “If all people are psychic, why would anyone need to go to a psychic?”

The best way to answer this question is to understand that there are three types of individuals that go to psychics.

The first type of individual goes to a psychic because they have insecurity about the future. This is certainly a valid reason to get a psychic reading, and those of us who are career psychics are certainly here to help these individuals. This type of individual finds inspiration and security in knowing what the future holds, but are often out of touch with their own intuitive gifts. Continue reading

The Hunter’s Moon Brings A New Day

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThis year we were up on four occasions, watching as the Sun, and the Moon, Lady Moon, were in the sky at the same time. The sun passed over the Moon, turning the Moon and sky blood red… four times in a row. The whole of the purple, darkened sky lighted up as if thousands of fireworks had burst into colors raining down on our spirits with beauty.

The first Blood Moon eclipse in this total series of four happened on April 15, 2014 and the last one happened on October 8, 2014. This special occurrence is known as a lunar tetrad. The next total eclipse will take place on April 4, 2015.

The majesty and wonder of the Hunter’s Moon, the Blood Moon, reminds us of the glories of the universe. With this we see the doors to Other Worlds, the Other Side opening up, allowing the lights to come back in. With this, we can expect great events, wondrous omens of changes to come. Continue reading

Remote Viewing – Seeing From Afar

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the many different forms of psychic ability is that of remote viewing (RV). Simply put, this ability allows us to see things or events that exist across time and space. In some ways, it is like watching a television, or listening to a radio thousands of miles away.

But how exactly does it work? The truth is, no one knows for sure. Much like dreams, RV is a way for us to cross the normal boundaries of perception and expand ourselves psychically.

Unlike its cousins, such as out-of-body experiences (OBE), dream walking, or deep hypnosis, RV is done while fully awake and conscious. Some say it is similar to astral projection. The phenomenon has been around since ancient Greece, and in more modern times various military groups and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have used it strategically, such as seen in the popular film, The Men Who Stare at Goats. Continue reading

The Powerful Bond Of A Love Connection

Visit and get a FREE reading!I think we can really feel the intensity of true love the most when we are young and experience falling in love for the first time. The feeling is so strong and all encompassing.

When love takes over everything in the world just feels so much better. The grass is greener and everything is perfect and good, in a way that words simply cannot express. If you fall madly in love with someone, and you are really lucky and get to have and hold that love, it is even more profound and deep-seated.

I was fortunate to experience this once. It happened while I was working as a bagger at a local grocery store. I stood up, after stocking the paper bags, and suddenly locked eyes with a wonderful soul. He obviously felt the same way, because he returned with his phone number that he had written on a small piece of paper for me. Continue reading

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