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The Color Palette Of Your Life

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comYou get to choose which colors you like to have on the palette of your life – not what anyone else thinks you should have. It’s okay to paint exactly as you wish, as all great artist do.  Color can empower you, color can uplift you, color can heal.

Embrace all your favorite colors, even the darker shades, including black. A lot of people fear the color black, but without the darkness of the shadows we cannot truly appreciate the light. I personally like the color black. It makes me feel good about myself. A few years ago I went to court for my divorce hearing. I had no lawyer; I chose to represent myself. I was wearing a black dress suit, with large, black leather purse. The judge took me seriously and granted all that I negotiated for. I give credit to my choice of wearing the color black. Continue reading

The Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comOne of the best investments to make in your home today is a Himalayan salt lamp. It is typically a large piece (or pieces) of pure salt from the mountain range of the same name. The real thing, as opposed to imitators made from rock salt or less pure forms, is mined in the Punjab provinces of India and Pakistan.

So what is so special about a light bulb inside a rock, anyway? Turns out, lots of things.

We are surrounded by positive ions (atomic particles with uneven levels of charge) in our modern world due to new technology. These ions are generated by televisions, microwaves, mobile phones, and the like. We also find positive ions in airborne toxins, such as mold and pollen.

The properties of the salt lamp generate negative ions to counterbalance these energies. If you’ve ever experienced the regenerative power of a beach, or the aftermath of a storm, you know what this feels like. Continue reading

Mass Death A Form Of Group Karma?

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI was recently asked if there is a difference in the process of transition to the spirit world when many people die simultaneously, compared to when they transition individually? Is the death process different when there is a mass loss of life?

This question may have been prompted by the increased awareness we have these days on social media of natural disasters, as well as other large scale tragedies caused by wars, plane crashes or acts of terrorism.

Souls passing as a group is a topic I recall discussing with my classmates at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Research, many years ago. Jeff, one of the men in our group, was a well-known platform medium, and he had a fascination with the subject of ‘Group Karma.’ Continue reading

Where Do We Go After This Life?

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhere do we go to after this lifetime? This is a fundamental question many of us would like to have answered by spirit. I asked this for myself some time ago and found out that when I leave this plane some day, I will be going to a place called “Sanatch.” No other information was forthcoming, so I have no idea where that is, or what it is I will be doing there.

I was also able to see where some of the people in my life will be heading to next. Some have meanwhile departed and are now entrenched into their new existence.

My sister, Alfreda, went to work at the tender age of 15, which was typical in the early 50’s. She worked for a large jewelry store called Burk’s, which is still in existence today. As a part of her duties she would go to different floors of the store using the elevator system. On one such an excursion Alfreda met a good-looking, and very friendly young man named Andre, and as they say the rest was history. Continue reading

The Beautiful Season Of New Beginnings

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comBack in the Fall I posted a blog, titled Autumn Wishes, where I mentioned planting bulb, while wishing for a beautiful flower and praying for the fulfillment of a desire. At that time in October, it was my invitation for us to pause and notice the inexorable pull toward Winter Solstice. The days were growing incrementally shorter, ultimately culminating in the darkest day of the year.

But here we are now, and it is Spring again. Yes, it is the beautiful season of new beginnings, renewal and rebirth! Fresh buds are blooming, hibernating animals have been awakening and the earth seems to be coming to life again. Farmers and gardeners are now planting their future harvest, as temperatures slowly rise. Continue reading

Born To Be Psychic

Visit PsychicAccess.comWhat is it like to be born a psychic? The easy thing to say, that most will indeed say, is that it is both a gift and a curse. But that is such a broad statement. Personally, I have always loved being psychic.

I remember being three years old, when I knew that I saw and heard things which were not there. I would look at people and I would know things. I would know how they felt, in all senses of the word, and I would see colors around them, which told me how they were feeling physically.

I did not know what this was at the time. I just knew that when I saw a person with a certain color around them it meant they were feeling a certain way. I would try my best to avoid being around people that made me feel what they were feeling. But as an empath, I could not prevent these experiences. Continue reading

The Vital Energy Of The Sun

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn the northern hemisphere September 23rd marked the Autumn Equinox and the start of fall. In these days we traditionally celebrate harvests and the bounty of summer, and enjoy the last warm days before winter. But what to do about the increasing lack of sunlight?

In our psychic lives, we need the energy of the sun as much as we need water, air, or ground under our feet. Sunlight represents the fourth essential spiritual element of fire. If we don’t have enough of it, we can easily become depressed and lose touch with our psychic self.

So how can we incorporate the sun in our daily lives, even if we can’t afford a winter home in Hawaii? The most obvious answer is to make time to get natural sunlight. Sorry, but that artificial sunlamp in your office doesn’t count! Of course, if we’re able to, it is nice to take that winter vacation to a sunnier climate, but if not, a walk outside each day can prove extremely beneficial. Continue reading

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