Is Honesty Always The Best Policy?
Honesty is always the best policy, but sometimes it doesn’t score you points with the family, or win you any friends.
Honest people want so desperately to speak the truth at all cost, because they know that honesty makes you feel a ‘lightness of being’. It is a liberating feeling. Not telling the truth makes you feel weighted down and guilty, and creates dis-ease in the body. Being dishonest is not good for your health.
The old saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.” This can be interpreted many ways, but I find this quote to have deeper meaning on many levels. Sometimes people get in the habit of lying, because they fear someone won’t like them, or maybe they feel they need to tell people what they want to hear for fear of rejection, or hurting someone’s feelings. Continue reading
Do You Know Your Life Purpose?
We have all experienced times in our lives when we are unsure about our life path. Do you know what your life purpose is? To be blessed, to recognize your purpose, and to live it actively and consciously is one of life’s truly highest gifts.
My personal definition of my life’s purpose is the exploration of the spiritual and unseen realms in order to perpetuate my own immortal infinite journey.
My goal is to use that knowledge to enlighten others in order to reduce universal chaos and assist in restoration of balance. In short, to be a Source of Light and Illumination for everything in the Universe, to have the honor and pleasure to pass this knowledge on to others that want to receive it. Continue reading
Addiction And The Calling
If my spiritual calling was masked by addiction once upon time, how many other people could also be masking their calling with such escapism?
As a recovering alcoholic, addictive behavior is something I know all too well – together with the co-dependency behavior that inevitably surrounds the addict. I actually credit my experience with alcohol, and the realization that there is no escape that way, as leading up to me heeding my calling. My life purpose was to work for spirit, and any time not being in touch with that calling left a huge void, or ‘hole in my soul’ type of feeling within me.
My initial training into the mystical was in the African tradition, whereby one is selected by the ancestors and called to the task of healer, priest, counselor and diviner. Channeling and the ancient art of throwing and interpreting the bones are used as forms of divination in this tradition. Continue reading
Dust In The Wind?
I watched the movie 2012 for the first time… would you guess it… the very day before the first earthquake hit in Japan! I couldn’t believe my eyes, watching on CNN the earth breaking in half just like in the movie. Houses were being washed away and lives taken within a blink of an eye.
For some of us this news came as a shock, but not as a surprise. Many spiritually aware people all over the world had been on edge lately. Just like the animals, we feel it, we have an innate sense that things are a bit ‘off’.
After the news broke, I was feeling the need to do something to help out. I make scarves for children and I figured for every one that I make and sell I could donate half of the profits and send it to a proper cause, that I know will go directly to help in some small way. Every bit does help. Continue reading
Ol’ Boogeyman Still Comin’ To Getcha?
In my line of work there is often an unhealthy obsession with the concept of evil. It appears we are simply not able to rid ourselves of this ‘thing’ we seem to have for the boogeyman (here in my country known as the tokoloshe).
Just the other day I was listening to a radio psychic scaring the living daylights out of his unsuspecting caller. She just wanted some career advice, but instead he was hell-bent on convincing her that her home was infested with evil entities. His charming co-host also jumped in to offer some old-wives’ cures for getting rid of all the demonic forces. Truth be told, the only disturbance I was picking up on was the fact that the poor, freaked out woman would not be getting much sleep for weeks!
Now, don’t get me wrong. The struggle between good and evil is very, very real. It is a fundamental component of the human condition. It is also the basis of all Creation. It stems from the duality found in every important aspect of our expanding Universe: dark versus light, life versus death, night versus day. Light needs the presence of darkness to be truly visible and meaningful. Continue reading
Beyond The Veils Of Illusion
When a person is fully conscious, he or she is enlightened. As we evolve and our senses respond to a higher frequency, we also respond more ‘faith-fully’ to the light of our soul and to our intuitive abilities.
Enlightenment is freedom from illusion. As we continue to evolve through responsible choices, we contribute to the evolution and enlightenment of all humanity.
As our personality functions in the world, in ways which allow us to gain back ageless wisdom, we begin to recognize illusion and see how it works. We are able to live within the illusion, but not be affected by it. Have you ever noticed how you feel when in the presence of a truly enlightened person? Amazingly powerful, is it not? Continue reading