Spiritual Rituals Provide Sacred Space
Spiritual ceremonies, where humans gather together in a circle, are especially potent. An energetic hoop gathers over the circle to assist in the endeavor for the gathering, whether it be for the purpose of celebrating a new birth, honoring a solstice, or to express anything of importance to humanity, as individuals, or as a group.
Altars are also powerful. They are a gathering place for spirits to provide protection and shielding, to aid in a calling or, perhaps, to provide a sacred place for the energy of one who has crossed to another dimension to gather and connect. Or, we might choose to build an altar dedicated to providing an anchor for our business when we are away, the same as when we are present. Continue reading
Freedom Of Thought
We can only evolve our awareness and experience of life through free thinking. Without it no advancement can be made in any field of thought. We would simply be stuck in the previous set of ideals and ideologies and perpetuating the experiences of the past. When we stay in these mindsets we give our power away to the past.
Albert Einstein once said, “Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them.” It is our freedom of thought that allows us to expand not only on the level of thought, but on the level of form as well.
I believe we live in an infinite universe that is constantly expanding. This is true cosmologically, but also experientially as human thought and consciousness progresses. Form is simply a result of this expansion. Continue reading
Life After Life (Part 7 of 7) – Continued Creation
It has been my experience that love is often the most universal message that people who have touched the other side bring back to us. That being said, even though love is the most important quality that we can express as human beings, there is also good reason to ally with love and forgiveness in our lives.
While we are on this planet our actions and contributions really do matter. As souls we are evolving and growing, and through this evolutionary process taking place on the soul level the planet too is in a process of evolution. Evolution is the creative dynamic that love creates.
In today’s final blog in this series I rely a bit on the esoteric traditions of spirituality that came before us, especially that of the Judeo-Christian and Jewish traditions. As I do so, I want to be clear that there are many traditions that express and say these same things in different ways. My personal background is in Christianity, and most of my formal teaching related to religion and spirituality stem from this tradition. This is why my blogs contain some archaic Christian language as reference points for spiritual understanding. Continue reading
Out-Of-Body Experience, Or Astral Travelling?
Out-of-body experience (OBE) is more generally known as astral travel or astral projection in esoteric circles. Many individuals find astral traveling helpful with their own personal development. They use this technique to visit places they would otherwise be unable to visit, or to meet up with loved ones on the other side. Astral travel is also a powerful way to meet up with your spirit guides, to visit future lives, and even for what is termed as “exploring the universe.”
Now and again, my cynical husband will let me in on some of his more ‘other worldly’ experiences over the years. The most recent revelation was about how he used to leave his body at will. Over time, I have read of, and learned of various techniques to leave my body at will, but never dedicated enough time to master the art of astral traveling. Continue reading
My Favorite Heart Healing Crystals
The heart chakra is the energy center that balances out the rest of our energy body, namely the upper three chakras and the lower three chakras. When we have an imbalance in our heart center one of two things occur: we find ourselves overly emotional and we find it difficult to clearly think things through. The opposite thing that can happen is we become overly logical, and lack a sense of emotional connection and empathy related to our situations.
When an individual is overly emotional and not thinking things through, most of their energy is concentrated in the lower three chakras. This energy is intensified and can often become stuck, because the energy is not able to flow through the heart center. Continue reading