Do Unto Others
Do unto others as you have them do unto you. It is also known as the Golden Rule. A simple and wise rule to live by, but something humanity struggles to adhere to.
It is also very close to another age-old axiom, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Again, this sounds easy enough. And what if you are one of those people, as many of us are, who are not in the habit of treating yourself very well at all?
How do you typically treat yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you approve, care, and not judge yourself harshly? Are you kind and encouraging to yourself? Or is your internal mental chatter and expression riddled with thoughts like: Continue reading
Spiritual Awakening Is A Double-Edged Sword
Many times in my life I’ve had to move on, leaving friends, family, relationships and spouses behind, because I outgrew them. The spiritual awakening process is a double-edged sword. When we awaken, our value systems change. The shift is a blessing, but burning bridges always hurts, and often when we least expect it.
One of the most obvious symptoms of knowing we’re no longer in sync with those around us, is when we can do nothing other than listen to our inner guidance, as it gets louder and louder. And, the more we tune into it, the more authentic we become and we can’t pretend anymore. Truth and integrity take over, because those values are more in alignment with our soul.
Often, those closest to us, align themselves with their own illusion of who they want us to be. They project onto us the values they think they most admire, and choose to find these in us, as opposed to who we really are. As Maya Angelou stated so wisely, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them; the first time.” Continue reading
How To Be Mindful On The Go!
To some individuals, being mindful while on the go might seem a contradiction in itself. However, the truth of the matter is that there are a plethora of ways to cultivate the art of mindfulness that do not involve simply sitting still.
People turn to mindfulness for many reasons. For example, they may have a medical condition that needs managing, work issues that require resolving, or just simply want to feel more present in their everyday lives. With the pace of modern life, it is clear to see why people become easily distracted and lead somewhat complicated lives as a result – all of which can be both emotionally and physically draining.
Whatever the reasons may be as to why a person turns to mindfulness, it should, indeed, help them to create a more balanced lifestyle. That said, mindfulness should not be seen as a magical cure-all, but more an efficient way of relating to personal issues differently. Continue reading
Be Honest With Yourself
As a professional psychic, I often come across clients who are stuck in a relationship or career that doesn’t seem to bring them fulfillment or happiness. Overall it seems our society has been conditioned to settle for less than we are worth, and the majority of us have been raised to escape from our problems, instead of acknowledging them head on.
If you are at a crossroads, or questioning why you find yourself in a toxic situation, then it may be time to get brutally honest about who you are and what you really want. Refuse to make any further excuses and take responsibility for what you can change. Denial or lack of self-love will often times hold us back, but the truth will always set one free into greener pastures. Ask yourself the vital questions. Continue reading
Turn My Ship Around
Recently a trusted friend posted on my Facebook timeline a link to the Jeremy Buck song Turn my Ship Around, from the album Vibe. I had never heard of Jeremy Buck, but I clicked it and listened. The song’s lyrics reminded me of times when I felt no one listened to my concerns, when people tried to bully me, when people tried to undermine me and were being false friends. It reminded me that through those times, I ensured I found a new direction and was determined to fulfill my goals to the best of my abilities.
The song reminds us to simply “turn our ship around” when feeling that we are heading in the wrong direction. The question however is what type of ship are you in, or steering? Perhaps a Kayak, a 12ft fishing boat with outboard motor, a 35ft cruiser or speedboat, or an oil tanker or cruise ship? What kind of ship are you commanding? Continue reading
Overcoming Feeling Rejected
When a customer asks for a reading about future love prospects, they will often ask how they could possibly meet this person. “How can this possibly happen”, they ask, when they really don’t go anywhere, not to mention that their internet dating attempts have been futile.
I don’t feel that there are coincidences in the way in which people meet. Our frequencies attract to us the ‘other’ who will bring us our next life lesson. At least this is my overall feeling.
This force of nature holds a magnetism unlike any other feeling, and it can throw any logical perception of another person (who is the attention of our desires) right out of the window. It’s a real pity how a toxic relationship can divert someone off course from their true spiritual purpose, which, for many of us is, to find the love of self. Continue reading