astral vision
Angels Are Everywhere
A few weeks ago I was out running some errands. At a red light I saw a homeless man with his sign. It looked professionally made and I thought to myself that someone must have made that sign for him? The words Homeless, God Bless, Donate If You Can were printed in perfect block letters.
I then intuited who made the signs for him. I saw that his daughter-in-law was making it for him. That led me to wonder why doesn’t he just live with his son and daughter-in-law? I have seen him on that corner before and always assumed he lived at a homeless mission, or under a bridge somewhere. But this time I remote viewed and saw him living by himself in what was a fairly nice apartment. I wondered then why he was saying he was homeless, if he had a nice apartment? Continue reading
Ways To Practice Aura Reading
I am often asked if I can see auras. Yes, but in all honestly I see them only with deliberate focus and, in using techniques I learned in psychic development. I am more of a clairsentient when it comes to perceiving someone’s Aura. I ‘feel.’
The aura is an expression of a person, animal or any living being’s emotions and energies – physical, etheric, astral, mental and spiritual. It’s a subtle emanation surrounding the body, almost like a light cloud or luminous mist. The aura reveals one’s character, state of health, as well as one’s emotional nature and stage of spiritual development.
Bright primary aura colors are associated with good health, i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, whilst colors which have become dark or muddy in appearance are generally associated with disease or energy imbalances. When a healer examines the quality of the colors in the aura, he or she will often make an informed diagnosis. If a healer is really skilled, they can remove any offensive energy and bring one’s auric field into a healthy state of equilibrium. Continue reading
Animal Afterlife
I was doing a remote viewing reading recently for a friend, whose golden retriever had gone missing, to see if I could locate the dog. I saw her in a pasture, near a barn. There happened to be a farm right up the road from my friend’s house, so that is where she went.
She sent me a message later to let me know that she had found her Daisy, near a barn, like I had seen her. The owners had been trying to figure out who she might belong to. They had just taken a picture of her and was about to get posters made to share around, in hopes of finding her owner.
I was so happy for my friend, because she got Daisy four years ago, after her previous dog, Honey, had passed. Honey lived for nearly 8 years, before passing due to health issues. They were so connected, and she has always felt that Daisy and Honey have many similarities. She even felt at times that Honey’s spirit may have reincarnated through Daisy. Honey also looked just like Daisy, both golden retrievers. Continue reading
Time Lords Among Us
With the popularity of the long-running television series Doctor Who, chances are you’ve heard of ‘time lords.’ They are time-traveling humanoid aliens with uncanny powers. But did you know that there’s truth to this popular fiction?
A small number of people, by some estimates one or two percent of the population, possess the gift of time-space synesthesia. It is an unusual ability in which our emotions and senses are delicately intertwined.
Perhaps you have heard of people who are able to taste music, or hear colors? With the gift of time-space synesthesia, the individual perceives within multiple dimensions. In other words, they literally see dimensional time. For example, the synesthete may perceive a rotating calendar around their body closely matching the Earth’s rotation around the Sun – quite literally the passage of a calendar year. Continue reading
Want Only What You Need
I was busy getting ready to go out and feeling harried, as if what I had to do was so very important! But it was my perspective that was distorted and incorrect. Sensing this, I decided to sit down and take a moment. I wanted to get into alignment, before I got behind the wheel, as I had promised myself I would never rush in traffic. The rushed feeling triggered another feeling to put myself in check.
So, sitting down, I had a vision of my Grandpa. He came into focus for only a few seconds, but his visit to me seemed to last much longer. Time is different on the other side and we perceive it differently. Continue reading
Shadow People, Pixies And Other Unseen Visitors
Whether it’s ghosts, shadow people, Tall Man with a Hat, The old Hag, or pixies, we’ve all experienced mystical beings in some form or another. Some of us have had minor insignificant encounters, while some of us deal with these entities every day. And, there are those who experience very violent encounters with some of these beings. I personally, have had my fair share of the worst kinds of attacks. And, I find myself dealing with the mischievous little pixies almost daily.
If you don’t know what a pixie is, let me explain. They are little spirit beings. About the size of a dragonfly. Some suggest they are cute little fairies, such as Tinkerbell in Peter Pan by JM Barrie. Others depict them as gruesome and very disturbing to look upon. I honestly can’t say for certain, as they move so quickly I have never gotten a good look at one of them. Continue reading