Monthly Archives: October 2017
The Art Of Palmistry
Palmistry, chiromancy, or palm reading, is one of the oldest methods of foretelling the past, present and future, by reading the lines of the hand. It is a form of divination practised all over the world. The earliest recorded evidence of this divination technique has been found in Asia, from where it spread to the rest of the world.
Each person has unique lines and shape of hand. Thus the use of fingerprinting in identifying individuals. In palmistry, the lines and shape of the hands indicate a person’s character, marriage, how many children they will have, as well as the foreboding of positive and negative life events. Continue reading
This Time I Won!
About 15 years ago, I was house hunting for my second home. I found a place in a remote community in the woods. It was my dream home. It was like a fairy house, complete with a creek running through the yard.
It had this amazing rock wall surrounding it that looked like a castle wall. It was very private, with a secluded community of other fairy, woodsy magical house lovers. I just knew it was my house! It felt like destiny. But was it?
Most psychics will tell you that we cannot really read for ourselves and, when we do try, it usually is not very successful. We often get things very wrong for ourselves. Continue reading
Spiritual Growth In Being Wrongly Blamed
We all tend to be terribly upset when blamed for something we haven’t done, or said. I have also found myself in situations of being blamed unfairly. This made me wonder… if everything happens for a reason, as many spiritual teachings suggest, then what is the lesson here?
My conclusion is that, perhaps, we can help ourselves by acknowledging the lesson in the unpleasant situation, as well as forgiving those who knew no better, in order to let them off the hook. Seeing things in this perspective can shift us to a place where we feel we’ve learned from the experience, and that we don’t need to attract the same pattern again. Continue reading
Finding Serenity
What is spiritual serenity, and how does one get to such an enlightened place? I’ve put forth this question many times throughout my life, and I’ve also had it asked of me. People hear what I do for a living and they immediately assume I walk around chanting Buddhist chants, or waving sage throughout my sacred space 24 hours a day. If only!
I don’t have the answers any more than the next person does. There are some things I have learned and seen, as I am sure I have yet more to learn and see. It is an endless cycle of not knowing and then knowing, the same cycle we all go through. The same lessons. It is only in how we apply them that we become different. We grow differently and start to use parts of ourselves that perhaps someone else, who is growing ‘at their own pace’ may not be using yet. And that is okay. Continue reading