Moon’s Mailbag # 1
Welcome to my new monthly blog entitled Moon’s Mailbag, wherein I will answer a variety of questions on all things metaphysical, paranormal and psychic. Yes, that’s right! Each month I will select a few of the questions I receive from my clients on Psychic Access. To get the first mailbag edition rolling, I asked a few of my regular psychic reading clients to think about some good questions. By the way, if your question didn’t feature this month, it could potentially be answered in a future publication.
Q: I’ve heard that it takes a lot of energy to do a psychic reading. How do you prevent yourself from being drained energetically?
How To Choose Your Path
Think about all the choices you make every day. Do you cut that person off in traffic? Who do you vote for? Do you stay faithful to your partner or spouse? We all make many decisions every day that affect our lives and the people around us.
It is recommended we take time to wrestle with our decisions and make the right decision. When we are grounded and in alignment with our true self, it is not as difficult as it may seem. It is always more difficult when we take the path that the rest of the world seems to preach or dictate. The tendency is to take the easy path; the simple path; the selfish path. And once we do, we then wish we had taken a different path – a path less travelled. Hindsight is too often 20/20.
Angels Are Everywhere
A few weeks ago I was out running some errands. At a red light I saw a homeless man with his sign. It looked professionally made and I thought to myself that someone must have made that sign for him? The words Homeless, God Bless, Donate If You Can were printed in perfect block letters.
I then intuited who made the signs for him. I saw that his daughter-in-law was making it for him. That led me to wonder why doesn’t he just live with his son and daughter-in-law? I have seen him on that corner before and always assumed he lived at a homeless mission, or under a bridge somewhere. But this time I remote viewed and saw him living by himself in what was a fairly nice apartment. I wondered then why he was saying he was homeless, if he had a nice apartment? Continue reading
Reunited With Crochet Friend In Spirit
I like to frequent a well-known, local bookstore. It is my way of having peaceful fellowship indirectly with others. I don’t have to talk to anyone, but the feeling of others around while I’m reading is a pleasant feeling. I always sit on the same chair, which is almost like a comfy love seat with others sitting nearby.
One day, while sitting there and reading, I noticed in my peripheral vision a lady to my left. She sat down on the sofa next to me.
She then looked at me and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to disturb you, but I think you may have known my grandmother. She attended the same church you went to.”
I asked her which church she was speaking of and then confirmed that I had indeed gone there for a few years, but no longer attend. Continue reading