Yes, Fly Away, But Fly Towards The Dreams!
There are many dreams in our hearts, in our heads, in our spirit that comes to us during our night dreams, during our day hopes. The universe gives us the dreams of our heart, so we will continue to strive toward these dreams.
Just when we think it is time to give up, spirit jumps in with a sign, a promise, a word, a touch of given hope, to keep the dream alive in our heart.
Time comes, time goes, like the ebb and tide of the ocean, that we wonder if we are ever going to reach the shore. Then suddenly, there is the land, we can see the shore line the horizon, the dream’s reality right there in our face ready to come to us with happiness. Continue reading
How To Become A Lightworker
The term “lightworker” has many meanings in the magical realm. It does not, as a layman might think, refer to someone “who works lightly” or even directly with light! A lightworker is an enlightened soul; one whose mission while on Earth is that of raising consciousness, bringing awareness and truth.
Those on this path are often described as “old souls,” and for good reason, since so many of them have experienced many stops on their karmic journeys. But what are they doing among us, and how can we learn to practice the art of lightworking? Continue reading
Cleaning Up After Another Fake Psychic
It is always good to hear a new client tell you that they have finally found someone to read for them that they feel they can trust.
Just last week a new client said she never knew that she could actually trust psychics. After yet another bad experience with a psychic in her area, she decided to search the Internet to find a reliable psychic. When she came across Psychic Access and saw their strict hiring policies, she felt that she had found the right place. Continue reading
Stay Away From Those ‘Basket Thieves’
Your hopes, your dreams, your wishes and aspirations, all of your visions for your life are stacked together in your own little basket of hope. I have one. So does my neighbor, and my best friend too. Be it in our minds, or on paper, we all have that little basket of hope. Or one could even go so far as to call it a “bucket list”. I call it my “basket of hope”. Same difference.
Recently I had the misfortune of coming across a “basket thief” – kind of like a horse whisperer or a dog whisperer, except not nearly the positive experience either one of the above can bring. A basket thief doesn’t come to you to whisper in your ear about your hopes and your dreams. They don’t even really care about your hopes and dreams. What they do care about is you putting aside said hopes and dreams in order to help them achieve theirs. Continue reading
Spiritual Awakening, Now What?
A few years ago, in the time leading up to 2012, I wrote a blog post about the symptoms of spiritual awakening. Well, here we are in 2014 and some of us are wondering what to do now?
Some of us feel as though we didn’t make it. Some of us are wondering if we made it, but don’t know it? Some feel as though they have awakened, but have hit a plateau and are unsure of what to do next.
All of these examples are types of plateaus we must face in our diverse journeys. I can only offer advice on what I have personally dealt with and come to embrace in my own.