Yes, Fly Away, But Fly Towards The Dreams!
There are many dreams in our hearts, in our heads, in our spirit that comes to us during our night dreams, during our day hopes. The universe gives us the dreams of our heart, so we will continue to strive toward these dreams.
Just when we think it is time to give up, spirit jumps in with a sign, a promise, a word, a touch of given hope, to keep the dream alive in our heart.
Time comes, time goes, like the ebb and tide of the ocean, that we wonder if we are ever going to reach the shore. Then suddenly, there is the land, we can see the shore line the horizon, the dream’s reality right there in our face ready to come to us with happiness.
We judge of man’s wisdom by his hope ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, there is love. We, are not meant to be alone. We are meant to have loves, to have partners, to have friends, people around us. These are dreams given to us by spirit so that someday our prince or princess will come without the frogs.
There are times we all want to fly away. There are times, especially as we start getting older, looking at our past, thinking of all the dreams we had, things we wanted to do, that somehow life just passed us by. This is why many people these days are making “bucket lists“.
Interesting at the weird things we want to do when we are mid-50s which in our youth we were too afraid, or too insecure to do. Think about our youth, we were pretty naive, yet somehow all of us today, this very day, has to find a balance between our wisdom of reality, and the innocence of youth where all dreams are possible.
All of the universe is set up to help us make dreams a reality. We have to get past fear, past “wisdom”, past reality, the real obstacles in our way. Wow! Our experiences were put there to teach us lessons. Yet, not to stop the dream that spirit already put in our heart. We guarantee that if the dream is there, the vision was given by something deep within ourselves to be realized.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real ~ Tupac Shakur
We have all the tools. That seer that we’ve been consulting, yeah, put there by spirit to guide, to comfort, to share their wisdom. This is why the elders come to us. When we chose a seer, a prophet, we should choose by our hearts, our spirits. Oh, we may not like what is said, or we may think what a crazy old man or woman, but in reality, this wise one has been put in our life to nurture, to share, to love us.
In our own wisdom, our own impulsiveness, our own “reality”, we want our time frames met, our ways met, yet the truth is, we get in our own way. So then we want to quit, we want to leave, we want to fly away. Yet, when we try, here is this vision, this dream once more, stuck right in our face, this adviser saying, we are on the true path to our inner truth. Here no matter how we try to fly away, is once again the dreams, the thoughts, the craziness we are feeling that yes, we have lost our ever loving mind.
Use the tools of possibility you are given, use the seer the universe has sent you to exhort you. Yes, it is maddening sometimes, as we want to fly away, when the seer just draws us back in with “false” hope, yet this is why the prophet is here, to remind us there is always hope.
We are important children of the universe, we are a part of the whole scheme, the whole plan to victory. Yes, fly away, but fly towards the dreams!
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