Communicate With Your Animals
My mother was in some ways a woman of the times. She hauled water from a well to feed and clean her children, as well as her home. She also made her own bread and jams from the local berries we picked. She also put up preserves for the winter and grew her own vegetables.
Just outside our backdoor was my mother’s vegetable garden, and the shed where she had to take the wood from for the big kitchen stove. Daily, my mother would come out of the house to complete her chores, and to this present time and I can clearly recall a blue jay bird that used to squawk at her. It was not just idle chat on the blue jay’s part. He would squawk, my mother would respond, and it always appeared as if he could completely understand what she was saying.
My siblings and I took it for granted that my mother could easily communicate with our fine feathered friends, and we assumed other people could do this as well. Continue reading
The Familiar Eyes Of A Kindred Soul
Have you ever met someone who you just felt were from the same soul group as yourself? Sometimes we look into the eyes of a stranger and feel a very strong connection. It could be a very awkward feeling, especially when you are not expecting it.
Yes, we do connect with those who are kindred spirits. You feel that you know that person, and most likely you do. You know that person because your memory of them is recorded in your cell memory.
We have had many past lives and sometimes we find we are incarnated in the same soul group as that person. We sometimes connect with them briefly, for only a few minutes. Sometimes we see them every day at work, at school. Some are our teacher in some way shape or form. Continue reading
Living In The Past – A Message From My Guides
Some people inadvertently choose to live in the past. Usually their past is seen as a much simpler, happier time, with fewer challenges.
Some people had an idyllic childhood and they often wish they could return to that time of playful bliss, loving parents, guiding teachers and wonderful friends. But for others, the past is a horror-strewn path of destructive behavior, with insurmountable adult problems thrust upon them at a tender age. For them the past was a time of much emotional distance or cruelty at home. These memories are indelibly imprinted on the souls of the survivors, but with a much different feeling to be sure.
Although many can put their painful past in perspective, some relive those experiences day after day, harboring hatred and resentment. Continue reading
My Annual Visit To Grandpa’s Grave
I thought it was time to visit my Grandfather’s grave again and bring him some treats that he asked me in life to bring him from time to time. It is a several hours drive, but the trip is never quiet or lonely, because he is usually sitting next to me in the car.
On his trip, he kept telling me I was the “best granddaughter ever.” And I kept telling him, as I always did when he was alive, that I was his “only granddaughter!” Although now, as time as passed, he has several great granddaughters.
We telepathically talked about many things as we drove along. I could hear his voice, it was crystal clear. It still sounds the same as when he was in this life. Continue reading
Soul Scribes – Writing As Soul Craft
Out of all the creative activities we perform, perhaps none is more of a channel into our inner workings and those of the Universe, than writing. You may be saying that you’re not much of a writer? False! Everyone is a ‘soul scribe’ and everyone has a story to tell.
The real purpose of soul writing or soul journaling is not necessarily to tell a story with a beginning and end at all. It’s about the journey, and not the destination. When we write, particularly by hand, we are tapping our subconscious. The more we incorporate it into our daily routine, the more we start to see patterns and symbols emerge.
If you’re just beginning, remember that it takes at least thirty days to build a new habit. Don’t be concerned with correctness, spelling, grammar, or neatness. When you write, put down on paper anything and everything that comes to your mind. It doesn’t even have to make sense to you. It you feel so inclined, add doodles or flourishes to your work. Remember, you’re putting a part of yourself down on paper. Continue reading
The Healing Of Corey
In order to sort out the peculiarities of an odd situation that I am trying to decipher here, allow me to give you some background on the person this involves in order that you may draw your own conclusion as to what actually did transpire. And if it appears to you that this might seem just some idle ramblings of mine, I trust at the end of this narration you will be able to connect the dots for yourself, and arrive at a viable conclusion.
There is a young man I know by the name of Corey, who was born in a small town to impoverished parents. He was the youngest of a brood of eleven children. Even though Corey had a baby sister, it became immediately apparent after his birth that he would become the apple of his father’s eye. Continue reading