Just Let it Go
Can you imagine how wretched you would feel if you kept trying to wear a pair of shoes at age 30 that fit you when you were 6? The pain would be unimaginable, excruciating and intense. You would cripple yourself and in all likelihood be unable to walk, be unable to move.
But you wouldn’t do that, right? That doesn’t make any sense, you say. Well, of course it doesn’t make any sense. And of course you’d never try to do that, because they wouldn’t fit you anymore!
At certain times in our lives it becomes really important to acknowledge that something or someone just doesn’t fit us anymore.
Is a person any different from a pair of shoes in this context? Of course not. Yet so often we keep on trying to make a person fit into our lives. We bend ourselves out of shape, trying so hard to make this person fit, when in fact their time, just like the old pair of shoes, has by now long come and gone. Continue reading
Soul Mates And Twin Flames
Many have heard of the term ‘soulmate’, but have you ever heard the term, ‘twin flame’? Do you find yourself wondering what the difference is?
A soulmate has many meanings, and not limited to romance either. Soulmates can be co-workers, friends or those in your family.
Soulmates are anyone who has an influence in your life, whether it is positive or negative. These ‘soulmates’ have been with us in many lifetimes. Through each lifetime, we are reunited with these souls by continuing to evolve and learn with them.
A twin flame is the other half of your soul. Every single person on this Earth is born with a twin flame. Not all twin flames unite physically. Some will act as a guide and will always be with you spiritually.
After the soul has been through many trials and tribulations and has opened their heart and mind fully, the twin flame attraction can awaken for those who meet physically. Continue reading
Allow The Universe Time To Work Its Magic
Every psychic advisor has probably heard some variation of the question, “Why did he leave and how can he be happy without me?” or “How come she doesn’t love me anymore?” Along with these questions also come all the emotional tortures it may contain.
Each time I hear it my heart breaks, because based on the reading I receive for them, I typically have to say something like, “You are lovable! You are loved! Why do you think it is something that you did? How do you know he didn’t leave simply because he had to, because he just couldn’t handle his version of what being committed means. It has nothing to do with you and he actually misses you like crazy. He is sorry for what he did, and how his actions hurt you.” Continue reading
How Often Do You Count Your Blessings?
So often in this life things happen that are beyond our control. It is times like these that you have to look at that proverbial ‘silver lining’ and take a moment to stop and count your blessings.
Your husband leaves you after cheating on you for ten years. Legal issues aside, you may cry because you are alone, but are you really? The blessing in this case is clear – you lost a cheating husband and gained your life back! It may not seem like it right away but it will one day.
Your girlfriend decided that she wants to “test the waters and keep her options open”. Do you cry and moan, or do you count the many possible blessings here? Do you really want to make her your priority in life, while you are merely an “option” to her? Continue reading
Do You Really Want Your Ex Back?
What is it about holding on to the exquisite pain of love gone awry? It may surprise you to know that about 60% of the psychic readings I do come from this perspective, and trust me when I say it is a clouded perspective at best.
“Will this person come back to me?” or “What did I do wrong?” or the best of them all… “How can I make them come back?”
They may come back to you, yes. There is always that possibility. But do you want them to? An ex is an ex for a reason. You didn’t do anything wrong. Unless of course you did – and that list can be long and prestigious…don’t get me started.
And last but not least, you cannot make them come back to you. What is this… a soap opera? This is real life, your life and theirs too. Continue reading
Psychic Access Staff Writer Unveils New Teen Novel
As a long-time fan of Psychic Access, I first came on-board, not as a writer, but as a client in need of psychic counseling. And boy, did I get it, not just from one talented psychic advisor, but from several! You might even say the info I was given saved my sanity at a time when I had been devastated to learn I had stage IV melanoma.
Many might assume this to be a death sentence, but it wasn’t. It was just the beginning of a transformation that led me to the wonderful place I’m at now—with a teen novel newly minted from Gypsy Shadow Publishing.
One of my favorite psychics confided that she was given the information that it wasn’t my time to pass, and that I needed to flow through the experience, the best way I could. And I did! It wasn’t easy though, and I suffered through some dark days. But, fortunately for me, I was accepted into an experimental cell therapy program at the NIH, after initially being rejected, and I’m happy to report that two years later, I remain cancer free.
Doug, the owner of, in his infinite wisdom hired me as a staff writer and it’s truly been a wonderful experience for me. I’ve met and interviewed so many truly gifted psychics, and have been privileged to edit their biographies. I’ve worked for Doug for many years now and have not had one unhappy moment. In fact, he even built my incredible paranormal blog site for me and generously offered many marketing tips! Continue reading
Searching For Beauty Under A Knife
I am often amazed by the amounts of money people spend on their appearance. Many people want so desperately to be beautiful. Some even go as far as cosmetic surgery, in order to be what they would deem attractive. I’m sorry, but nobody will ever be able to convince me to have surgery unless my life truly depended on it.
If only more people would realize that true beauty does not depend solely in your appearance. From what I have seen some of these so-called ‘beautiful’ people certainly are not very kind to the elderly or to children, neither are they gentle with animals. I’m not saying that taking care of yourself is a bad thing. But what is truly taking care of ourselves? In my life it means taking vitamins, getting adequate rest, meditating or praying, eating healthy and doing some exercise. Continue reading