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Three Simple Secrets To Success

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered why some people become extremely affluent, while others do not? Is it because they are more intelligent, or have better looking physical features? Did they come from a more stable home environment? Did they receive nothing but encouragement as they were growing up? Maybe they have an extra set of ears, arms, or legs? How’d they do it?

Some of this might seem absurd, or possibly have a ring of truth, but be assured the wealthy and well-to-do actually do have something that many people are missing.

The first step to becoming prosperous is to find what you have neglected, or the piece that you are missing. Every single person on this planet has the ability to be successful. The only roadblocks to unlimited prosperity are our own fears, as well as disregarding our inherent qualities. Continue reading

Fulfilling Your Soul’s Calling

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comA very close friend often said to me, “You are so lucky doing the work you love. I just do what I do as a means to an end, but I certainly don’t share the passion that you have for your work.”

Although I always knew working with spirit, in order to help people find direction, was what I desired to do on a full-time basis, I wasn’t always in a position to do so. Not to mention, to be able to do the work I love from home, surrounded by my menagerie of dogs and cats. I am so grateful to be able to now fulfill my life purpose.

It also dawned on me today that doing what I love to do has also enabled me to focus on my other passion, which is promoting and networking for animal rescue. Although, I am not yet in a place where I can physically go out and put in the physical work aiding rescue animals, I am able to spend time networking online on behalf of rescue centers internationally. I contribute by promoting these projects on social media whenever possible, and by donating to animal organizations I feel are legitimate. Continue reading

We Must Believe In Order To Receive

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere is a school of thought that science and the supernatural are at very opposite ends of the spectrum. Poles apart, so to speak. Nevertheless, there are other schools of thought who disagree with this, myself included. I firmly belief that the application of science, when done correctly, can help us to cosmically attract to ourselves that which we desire and truly deserve. For the purposes of this article, I shall use the subject of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) as an example.

NLP is a fascinating therapy designed to help people achieve their personal goals, be that weight loss, self-confidence, finding their true life path, or indeed any other desired outcome. This therapy was developed after a study of the work of three outstanding therapists in their particular fields of work. These therapists were Fritz Perls, who developed Gestalt Therapy; Virginia Satir, the pioneer of Family Therapy, and a hypnotherapist known as Milton Erickson. Continue reading

In Our Own Time

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe come in to this existence, and later depart, according to our own timeline. My husband and I recently observed the one year anniversary of our daughter Kathy’s passing. As painful as her death continues to be for us, it is none the less something we have no choice but to deal with.

Kathy was a private and reclusive person and did not have a lot of really close friends. However, the ones she did have were especially precious to her and she nourished and valued those friendships. I had a phone call recently from one of her friends, who is still struggling with Kathy’s passing. She and Kathy were definitely kindred spirits and they turned to each other frequently when times got especially trying. Continue reading

How Will Saturn Return Affect Your Life?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe age of approximately 28 to 32 years is known as our “Saturn return.” Spiritually it is an exceptionally profound time for everyone. Astrologically it is when Saturn returns to the exact same placement it was at when we were born. Any lesson you have not learned, any challenge you have not faced, anything you have been in denial about will come forward in you life around this time, like it or not. This is why I tell people, “learn the lesson and learn it fast.”  Avoidance, addictions and denial will not save you from your Saturn return. In fact, it will make it quite worse.

he Saturn return is like a final exam. If you haven’t been studying all semester, it can be terrifying and overwhelming. However, even if you have been studying, it will still be challenging and you may realize there were things you missed, or forgot to study. Continue reading

Unlock The Healing Power Of Your Dreams

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love to do dream interpretation for my clients, but many people complain that they do not remember their dreams. I can assure you that a moonstone under your pillow will remedy that quite quickly. It will have you dreaming in ways that you have never dreamed before. Your dreams will be clearer, more memorable and you may even feel like recording your dreams.

Recording your dreams can be very useful. They always contain information that can help you in your life, they reflect what is going on in our lives in many profound ways. For example, I have a client who asked me about someone she hasn’t seen in a while. She never told me that he had passed on, but when I went in it soon became clear this is a man who was no longer in this life. I also saw that he was trying to communicate with her via her dreams, ad when I told her this she gasped in disbelief. “How could you know this,” she exclaimed. Continue reading

Autumn Wishes

Get a free psychic reading right now at PyschicAccess.comLeaves may be falling in the northern realms at this time of the year, but if you can still see the ground there is Fall gardening to be done. While there are some plants that thrive in this time of the “dying year”, there are many other plants that will need to be rescued before the first frost comes to take them away and that is where you will be busy with Fall gardening. Get out your gloves and get ready because you need to prepare your garden for the long winter months ahead.

Life is full of changes. We have choices in our attitude about the changes. We can look forward to each one with great expectations of wonderful new paths, or we can look with dread at our lives becoming different. Continue reading

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