Change Your Karma For A More Fulfilling Life
It is true. Karma is real. And it can change your life. Whatever you think, say, or do… it always comes back to you. When you give selflessly, it always comes back. And when you hurt someone you are truly hurting yourself.
We are all created equal, and all equally valuable, whether we are on this, or that side of the world. We matter just the same. To think of yourself as better than others is always going to come back in a negative way. Not to mention the fact that it is not very attractive! It is vitally important to live with a mindset that allows us to be mindful of how we treat each other. I know this from many years of working with people all over the world. I also know this from my personal spiritual practice. Continue reading
What Are Your Gifts?
Have you ever wondered what your gifts are? What you came to this planet to do? What would make you the most happiest?
What your passion is, is what your gift to the world is. So many of my clients ask me what would give them the greatest amount of happiness. Sometimes I will look at their birth chart or just share what I’m picking up intuitively.
Often I will also share ways they can find out what their gifts are all on their own. There are a few steps:
1. Find your true nature beyond thought form. To regain awareness of being and to abide in that state of “feeling-realization” is enlightenment. It’s here where we connect to our true self. It’s here we can find out what makes us most happiest. It’s an inner knowing! Continue reading
Emotion, The Key To Creating Your Desires
I recently ran into my good friend Susie, whom I had not seen in a while. After exchanging the usual pleasantries, Susie told me how she was not so happy with her present circumstances, especially since she had paid a substantial fee to attend a course on how to manifest success in particular areas of her life.
The course promoted the use of a vision board. The idea was to focus on what her actual desire was and then create a visual of this intention. For example, if she wanted a new home she was to cut out a picture from a magazine that closely resembled the home she would like to own, and then she had to place that on her vision board. The same would be true if she wanted a new car. If it was a new relationship she was seeking, she could cut out a picture of a happy-looking couple and add it to her dream board. Continue reading
Time Apart Is Healthy For Your Relationship
Have you noticed that your relationships with partner, friends and even family members are much better when you see them less often? There is real wisdom in the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
When we are around the same person for a very long time, they tend to eventually bore, frustrate, or annoy us. Time away is vital. We all need space to recharge our batteries and newly appreciate the people in our lives.
I know this is tried and true from having done may psychic readings over the years for people who found relief, and even rebirth, in their relationships after they had been away from their lovers, spouses, wives, husbands mothers, sisters, or friends. Not only did they ultimately appreciate their loved ones more, but they also got along much better with them. Continue reading
Letting Go Of Toxic Love
I have been reading for many years for a lady who is one of my dearest clients. I just love her to pieces. But I did not love the situation she was in with the man in her life, and neither did she. But it took her a long time to come to terms with him.
She was raising their child, while she worked and paid all the bills. Meanwhile, he did as he pleased and did very little to contribute to their home or their relationship. Neither did he make any effort to support her and their child. He has substance abuse problems. When he drinks he uses foul language and doesn’t exercise good judgment. Most of all he isn’t a good role model for their child.
He basically just drank and smoked, while he lay around all day. “And on top of that he eats me out of house and home!” she used to say. Continue reading
You Are A Human Being, Not A Human Doing!
We are living in a fast-paced world where we feel we must do many things every day, hardly having much time to just be. To just stop. To think. To just be.
Instead of embracing the fact that we are a human beings, we are in this day and age more focused on being humans doing. We get caught in up in the web of life, with its chaos and drama. And we get frustrated and feel so rushed. There is no time to truly do the things we want to do; to spend time doing the things that matter the most. So, with this blog, I ask that after you are finished reading this you take a moment to just sit for 15 minutes and simply do nothing. Meditate. Just think about nothing and if thoughts come in, ask yourself: is this thought helping me to get in alignment with my true self? Am I in touch with the higher self that allows happiness to be a part of my space and life? Continue reading