Animal Spirits
Earlier this year my cat, Tigger, passed away after reaching the advanced age of 21. I had Tigger in my life since 1993 and he was more than a pet. He was like my son who was always there when I came home from work.
In the month leading up to his death I kept seeing his spirit leaving his body. What was weird is that I also kept seeing shadows of two cats that looked a lot like him.
Over the years I have seen several animal spirits of family pets that I grew up with. In these moments I could sometimes also hear different family members calling for the animals by name. I heard my parents call my childhood animals, and I even heard my grandparents, aunts and uncles who had passed away. Continue reading
From Scared to Sacred
We all have our journeys in life to travel, we all have our paths to walk and we all have our very own (we would like to think) demons to slay on our path to ‘enlightenment.’
From scared to sacred is but a tiny maneuver, the tiniest shift in your consciousness, which can allow the true and awesome power of the Sacred and the Divine to cut through the fear of the scared. It is as miniscule a shift as it is to change the spelling of the words themselves.
You may think it is impossible and you may think it is too hard to do, but in reality the easiest thing in this world to let go of is fear. It is all too easy to walk around coming from fear and feeling scared. Most people live their lives that way, as if it were the norm to do so. Well, it is not the norm. Continue reading
Chasing Rainbows In A House Of Mirrors
The state of Divine Disconnect, when you are feeling out of touch, imperfect, inadequate or wanting in your life, is not a reflection of who you really are, neither is it some shameful personal defect that requires salvation. It is in fact a reflection of who you are not, because you have become what you are not.
This sense of being disconnected or separated from your Divine Self is not real, it is a distorted phantasm. It is your physical form trying to make sense of the distorted, grotesque image you have of your own Divinity. You are seeing yourself reflected in a house of mirrors lined with rows and rows of limiting fears, self-destructive beliefs and false idols. In this state you become cut off from your true Soul Purpose and Life Calling. You are no longer aligned with your Divine Self and you lose your direction and purpose. The anxiety, fear and pain that you then feel is your inner guidance system attempting to nudge you back into the right direction. Continue reading
Protect Yourself From Toxic People
I want you to know that you’re not the only one who may have people in your life draining you, and making you feel downright guilty and sick. This is what I call toxic love. Why do we stay with these people, or why do we continue to allow these people into our space and environment?
I’m sure you know why we allow some of them…we have no choice! They are is family, sometimes our friends and distant relatives, and sadly often times our life partners and spouses. Being a very empathic person myself, I am very sensitive to the energies around me. I know what it is like to be surrounded by energy thieves. Continue reading
Soulmates Make Life Fun!
Your soulmate may not be the most ideal person to marry and settle down with, but they are nevertheless wonderful for you to connect with. Soulmate connections can sometimes be a challenging, but always very inspiring and stimulating experience and, well, they make life fun!
I was doing a Tarot reading for myself the other day and many of the cards represented people I have known in my past. Right away it brought back happy, joyful memories. There were moments when I would laugh out loud remembering some of the silly things we did. Continue reading
Have A Good Night! – Part 3
If you have by now used a few of my suggestions to help you get a good night’s rest and have finally gotten your ‘sleeping ducks’ in order, you may now want to learn how you can start getting the most out of your dream weaving time.
We all dream when we get quality sleep. There are many stages of sleep which I will not go into here, but I will tell you that the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep stage is most significant when it comes to dreaming. This is the mysterious time every night when we dream by leaving the body to astral travel and connect with the spiritual realm.
Many people claim they do not dream. This is not true, because everyone dreams. I have shared in many past blogs several tools you can use to help reel in those dreams and record them. Whether it be a precognitive dream, lucid dream or prolific dream, they can really help you in many ways in designing the life you want! Even more so if you record them. Continue reading