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Sleep Paralysis, Or Demonic Attack?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFrom the very first time I experienced sleep paralysis, there has been no doubt in my mind that I was being attacked by some dark force. This began to happen to me in 1999 and has continued until as recently as two months ago. The medical community would, however, attribute it merely to “sleep paralysis.” I beg to differ.

According to, sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person, either falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. One theory is that sleep paralysis is the result of disrupted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which normally induces complete paralysis to prevent the sleeper from acting out his or her dreams. Sleep paralysis has been linked to disorders such as narcolepsy, anxiety, and sleep apnea, however, it can also occur in isolation. Continue reading

Encounters With Aliens – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWorking as a psychic, energy healer, spiritual teacher and Kundalini Yoga instructor, I have heard many *stories about alien experiences from clients and students.

These stories have all been told to me by people I trust and  who I feel are sane, sober and honest. Some of them had never told anyone of their experiences, for fear that they would be deemed insane or judged, or thought of as a fraud. I believe this gives even more credibility to their stories, since they have no motive or reward for lying to me.

In the meantime I have also had my own experience with what I believe was an alien, who was also a changeling. It was literally like something from a Star Trek episode. Yes, indeed. Continue reading

A Homecoming To Ghosts Of The Past

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter my mother passed away, my father re-married and moved away. Soon after I received a call from the people who bought the old house from my dad. They told me that they got my number from the neighbors and they wondered if I could help them with the otherworldly activity that was going on in that house. They had heard that I used to experience the paranormal presence there too. They did not know who else to turn to.

I agreed to come and see them, and when I finally pulled up in the driveway all the feelings from the past, of all the hauntings that I had experienced there, hit me quite hard. I knew once I walked in that door it was still going to feel the same. Continue reading

Prayer Is My Refuge From The Evil In This World

Get a FREE psychic reading right now ar PsychicAccess.comIf you are allowing fear to come in to your life it will keep you from really embracing and enjoying life. It is your birthright to be happy.

I would just do one thing to help you through this. Pray. If you can do this a few times a day, it will help you to get in alignment spiritually. This way you can become more aware of those that are on the wrong path and keep yourself away from them. Prayer will also help you to become more connected to those who are on the path of truth and light.

We are living in a world where negative entities are making evil things look hip, and good, and attractive. It’s really no secret, most people’s eyes are wide opened to the fact that there is a constant war between good and evil going on.  I have to turn off the TV more times than not these days, as I see the forces of evil working on the younger generation. The influence of evil is stronger than ever before. Continue reading

What If The ‘Mark Of The Beast’ Has A Ringtone?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI had an inspirational moment recently when I was waiting at a traffic light. I had a fleeting impression that everyone around me was busy praying. Heads bowed in silent, solemn worship. Then I realized, they were all just looking down at their phones.

We’ve all heard the rumors about microchips being installed in people’s hands, arms or foreheads. We are already doing it with our pets. Taking the next step to humans is not all that far-fetched.

There has also been many prophecies and predictions about this from a diverse spectrum of people, including spiritual leaders and conspiracy theorists. We have even heard it being called the “Mark of the Beast,” as described in Revelations in the Bible. Continue reading

My Latest Ghostly Encounters

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter writing about the missing slipper, and seeing my father in spirit, it seems like more paranormal stuff has been happening around me, including seeing a ghost and smelling odd perfumes. But why?

It’s not like nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I had witnessed objects belonging to loved ones who have passed being replaced or moved around, or just disappear several times in the past. My latest ghostly encounter was something very different.

My wife and I has just arrived home, after a very long day running errands and going to the store to get some groceries. We were expecting a very cold spell, which was supposed to hit Ohio that day. It was supposed to last two days featuring below zero temperatures. Continue reading

The Rosary Is A Powerful Tool

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI look at so many people struggling, and so ready to get angry at the littlest things, so disconnected from the divine spark inside of them. I know a great tool to deal with this: I often pray the Rosary and thank God for all of the blessings in my life.

It really works for me. The promise of the Rosary is true, in that it will bring blessings into your life. It has brought so much goodness into mine.

I gave a friend, who is suffering from a horrible depression and feeling of incompleteness, a Rosary to pray. I found that she was happier after learning and praying the Rosary.

I wish I would have known about the Rosary many, many moons ago, but it’s never too late to learn the Rosary and see what blessings it can bring into your life. It really works. Continue reading

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