Life Is Sweeter With Kindred Souls
Some people simply add value to our lives. Kindred souls are true friends who make us feel that sharing space with them, or being around them, is right where we are meant to be. I call that comfortable, blissful feeling “being in Zen.”
Then of course we have all experienced sharing space with toxic people who make us feel like we need to leave immediately, because if we don’t take action we will soon start to feel depleted or drained. I like to describe that feeling as “going against the grain.” It very much feels like I’m doing something that doesn’t feel right, or that I am not where I’m supposed to be. Continue reading
It’s Lucky I’m So Tough
In the area where we live the government has a program called Homeshare. What that means is people like my husband and myself will take in an individual with some type of disability. We are paid to have them come and live with us as part of our family. After our daughter passed away, we thought we might enrich our lives and help with our grieving by helping out someone else. We did not want to look after children or someone with extreme difficulties, as we are seniors and felt someone of that nature would prove to be too much of a burden for us. Continue reading
Substance Abuse Invites Evil Influences
Someone close to me has been fighting their demons for years. In my opinion such demons would relate to negative energy, or entities influencing a person who has opened themselves up, and become vulnerable to them because of substance abuse and addiction. This person’s crazy behavior has been progressive, part of which was aggression, anger and hate thoughts towards just about anybody.
Their background was dysfunctional, but not to the extent that it should change them from a relatively contented individual into a pressure cooker waiting to explode. I am now of the opinion this person was vulnerable to these lower energies because of alcohol abuse over several years. Continue reading
My Energy Battle With The Invisible Woman
I went through something very confusing and traumatic many years ago. While in the middle of it, I realized that it was forcing me to learn about spiritual darkness. A topic I had refused to acknowledge or think about, since I chose to see the best in people. Since going through this dark period, I have had hundreds of clients come to me who have gone through the exact same thing and I am now equipped to help them both psychically and practically.
It all began when I took over a business along with all of its employees. The then manager was named Carol. I remember when I first shook her hand I felt a wave of nausea. I since have come to recognize this as the psychic acknowledgment of darkness present in someone. Continue reading