Clutter Bust Your Life
Choosing what you allow and keep in your life gives you a sense of having control of your happiness and your future. If you are hoarder, or living a cluttered existence with too many material possessions, know that it is limiting your spiritual growth and personal fulfillment. The path to enlightenment is not paved with stuff… and more stuff. Maybe it’s time to rid yourself of those things that no longer serve a purpose in your life?
Releasing clutter is a mental thing. Millions of people worldwide suffer from what professional organizers and psychologists call ‘hoarding.’ Most people that have this problem don’t recognize this pattern in themselves, until their lifestyle is really out of control. Clean out all your closets in your home and in your mind. Continue reading
Venus Retrograde 2017
Once every 19 months, Venus, the pleasure-seeking planet, goes retrograde. This year’s retrograde is currently occurring. It started on March 4th and will continue until April 15th.
Venus reflects how we give and receive love to others and ourselves. With this transit, we are being made aware of our past, including past lives, as well as breaking free from any conditioning or people who no longer serve us.
I would consider this time to be a key transitional phase for moving our lives forward and mending anything within us that still needs attention. We are clearing out the old to open up to the new opportunities on the horizon.
For those in committed relationships, flaws or communication issues may come up. It will be to your advantage to mend fences or realize that if the love is no longer there, it may be time to move on. Continue reading
A Deeper Sense Of Spiritual Connection
Spirituality is unique to every individual. Some people experience an overwhelming feeling of the Divine within, while some do not get any feeling whatsoever. Many clients ask me how they can get closer to God, or connect with spirit, or even get that feeling of serene tranquility while meditating.
To experience a deeper sense of spiritual connection try one or more of the following strategies in your spiritual practice:
First of all, never get discouraged! Do not stop meditating just because to don’t feel a certain way. Don’t have a preconceived idea of what meditating should be like. Just being committed to the process and staying the moment is enough. Be present. Continue reading
Romancing The Colors
Color therapy is a well-established practice when it comes to putting right what could be wrong in our lives – be it emotional or physical. The ways in which we can make use of color are broad and varied.
For example, we can wear color in our clothes and jewelry, burn gorgeous colored candles, cook beautifully colored foods, work with color while meditating and even bathe in color when we so wish.
Color therapy can also be beneficially applied in our romantic life. So, whether your are single or in a relationship, why not consider applying a little color therapy magic to your romantic life?
Maybe you currently feel you are never going to meet your soulmate. Are you afraid of history repeating itself and think that you may never, ever find ‘the one?’ Or maybe you feel you may have found your soulmate, but you are not exactly sure about this. Or maybe you would just like more passion and commitment in your life? Color therapy could play a significant part in bringing your romantic hopes and desires to fruition. Continue reading
Himalayan Salt Lamps – Are They For You?
Himalayan salt lamps naturally purify the air through ionization. Studies indicate that as much as a third of the world’s population reacts adversely to negative ions, and many people report that the air becomes easier to breathe when using a salt lamp.
Larger versions of these lamps, ideally hand-carved from the natural rock salt, are attractive and come in shades of red, amber, and cream. No two are alike! They weigh between 25 and 32 pounds and each will treat a space up to 320 square feet. Apart from the tabletop versions, did you know they are also available in a larger, half-dome size? Like their smaller versions, these lamps have multiple health benefits: relief from asthma and allergies, low energy, sleeplessness, and attention deficit. Continue reading
Want Only What You Need
I was busy getting ready to go out and feeling harried, as if what I had to do was so very important! But it was my perspective that was distorted and incorrect. Sensing this, I decided to sit down and take a moment. I wanted to get into alignment, before I got behind the wheel, as I had promised myself I would never rush in traffic. The rushed feeling triggered another feeling to put myself in check.
So, sitting down, I had a vision of my Grandpa. He came into focus for only a few seconds, but his visit to me seemed to last much longer. Time is different on the other side and we perceive it differently. Continue reading