Sexuality Is An Integral Part Of Our Spirituality
I have been teaching White Tantric Yoga for 15 years. It is based on the Kama Sutra, or the Kama Sutra is based on White Tantric Yoga. I incorporate these teachings in my partner workshops and find it to be a great way to lure men into the class! These teachings are not pornographic or about teaching wild sexual positions. It is actually the opposite. It is in fact designed to remove those things from our lives that disconnect our sexuality from our spirituality, such as porn, perversion, control, violence and infidelity. Continue reading
Three Simple Secrets To Success
Have you ever wondered why some people become extremely affluent, while others do not? Is it because they are more intelligent, or have better looking physical features? Did they come from a more stable home environment? Did they receive nothing but encouragement as they were growing up? Maybe they have an extra set of ears, arms, or legs? How’d they do it?
Some of this might seem absurd, or possibly have a ring of truth, but be assured the wealthy and well-to-do actually do have something that many people are missing.
The first step to becoming prosperous is to find what you have neglected, or the piece that you are missing. Every single person on this planet has the ability to be successful. The only roadblocks to unlimited prosperity are our own fears, as well as disregarding our inherent qualities. Continue reading
Exploring My Alien Origins
Some time ago, I thought I might investigate where I had originated from, before I came into this Earth existence. I manage to find out I was from a place called “Jute,” somewhere out in the galaxy – destination unknown. That was the only piece of information I had at that time.
During a personal energy healing session I, I unexpectedly went back temporarily to that time. The color of this unknown world was a glorious and wondrous shimmering blue. I almost didn’t want to come back to this life! Thankfully, while I was there, I was having a conversation with one of the Seniors who was in partnership with me coming onto this plane and he did convince me that my work here was not yet completed.
Discovering my alien heritage all began with my quest for health. Recent life experiences made me think a lot about healthy living and well-being at my age. I have tried many different healing methods and products to do a thorough cleansing, but have never been very successful. I finally came to the conclusion that the one thing that would work for me without fail was my own brain power. Continue reading
An Astral Visitation With Michael Jackson
I recently experienced another astral visitation with Michael Jackson, whom I have connected with him on several occasions since his passing. I have always felt a deep connection to the famous singer. We are both Virgos and he was born only two days before me. He was also born in the same city my mother and her family grew up in, and some of my uncles attended school with him and his brothers.
Our prenatal birth charts show that both Michael and I originate from Alioth. Alioth is one of the seven stars that make up the “Big Dipper.” I have done much research on this and find it very interesting. We both have the same star strength and many things in common. I was even a professional dancer myself at one point in my life, and I have also had to deal with negative people that try and bring you down, because of either jealousy or insecurity, like Michael did. I have always felt connected to his energy and my being resonates with his song lyrics. Continue reading
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