spiritual awareness
Have A Good Night! – Part 1
When I do readings I usually look at the aura of my client. I can tell right away if they are getting the proper amount of sleep, because I can see if they have enough energy, or not. I believe that adequate sleep is not only vital for our physical and psychological health, but it is fundamental to our psychic awareness and our spiritual well-being and development.
Lack of energy is sometimes due to poor diet or people around them draining them, also known as energy vampires. But it is more often a case of people getting less than their fair share of sleep every night. This can have a negative domino effect on a person’s energy levels, and in turn create some health issues. Continue reading
Be Kind To Yourself And Others
The nightmare continues every day. The very thing we fear the most has come to look us right in the face, staring in our eyes. We are at a turning point. We can give up, turn run for the hills, to hide, but still there is the demon of fear lingering around the deep recesses of our mind.
This little imp taps us on the shoulder, reminding us of all the stupid things we did, all the hurtful things, how we messed up, time after time. Surely this little devil of fear tells us we can see how we don’t deserve to reach our dreams, or accomplish our goals. We messed up time again, no one agrees with us, we are reminded that “they” are so much smarter, did things exactly right every time.
Stand back! Truly look at everything from all sides. Become like an eagle, or an owl, or a hawk, with eyes that see far beyond the surface where the heart lies. Continue reading
Prayer Is My Refuge From The Evil In This World
If you are allowing fear to come in to your life it will keep you from really embracing and enjoying life. It is your birthright to be happy.
I would just do one thing to help you through this. Pray. If you can do this a few times a day, it will help you to get in alignment spiritually. This way you can become more aware of those that are on the wrong path and keep yourself away from them. Prayer will also help you to become more connected to those who are on the path of truth and light.
We are living in a world where negative entities are making evil things look hip, and good, and attractive. It’s really no secret, most people’s eyes are wide opened to the fact that there is a constant war between good and evil going on. I have to turn off the TV more times than not these days, as I see the forces of evil working on the younger generation. The influence of evil is stronger than ever before. Continue reading
The Rosary Is A Powerful Tool
I look at so many people struggling, and so ready to get angry at the littlest things, so disconnected from the divine spark inside of them. I know a great tool to deal with this: I often pray the Rosary and thank God for all of the blessings in my life.
It really works for me. The promise of the Rosary is true, in that it will bring blessings into your life. It has brought so much goodness into mine.
I gave a friend, who is suffering from a horrible depression and feeling of incompleteness, a Rosary to pray. I found that she was happier after learning and praying the Rosary.
I wish I would have known about the Rosary many, many moons ago, but it’s never too late to learn the Rosary and see what blessings it can bring into your life. It really works. Continue reading
Meditation The Key To Mental Freedom
When we allow our minds to dwell too often on our past, or obsessively contemplate our future, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the moment.
Being fully present is the key to happiness. Being fully awake and aware of what is going on around us, in the here and now, is true mental freedom, in my opinion.
When I meditate, and focus only on my breath, I get to a point where I am free of thought. I can then completely allow all thoughts to come and go.. observed, but not noticed. It is then when I arrive at my “happy place”. I love to arrive at this inner place I so love. It’s a place of complete awareness, serenity and bliss; there really is nothing like it.
After my morning meditation I can go about the rest of my day without any ‘blinders’. The blinds to my mind have been pulled up and I can then connect with those that are on the same frequency as myself. Continue reading