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Creating Your Reality – Survivor, Sinner Or Saint?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo create, attract and manifest is an innate metaphysical ability we all have access to as beings of Divine origin. Jane Roberts writes in The Nature of Personal Reality, “You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs. Yours is the creative energy that makes your world. There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in.”

To be a creator is a function of our free will. We are all co-creators of our shared, physical reality and we shape our own destiny in every single moment of our lives. What you think, feel, believe, wish for, and desire in this very moment, is what you will become tomorrow, and the day after. Continue reading

Forgiveness As A Spiritual Life Lesson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI remember telling my friend Audrey many years ago how well she was handling an upsetting situation. The matter related to a mutual friend who had borrowed a significant amount of money, and even though swift repayment was promised, the promise was not kept, nor acknowledged by the borrower.

Audrey seemed to take a really spiritual approach towards the situation and said to me, “I don’t lend money without first considering that I may well have to write it off in the end.” This was ironic, since he wasn’t exactly well-off herself.

“Why should I choose to be a victim, and to carry that huge load of resentment around on my shoulders, when I do have a choice to simply put it down? To carry that heavy knapsack of anger and resentment would only be draining to my health and peace of mind,” she explained. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 4 of 7) – Afterlife Language

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe language of the Afterlife, and of Heaven, is much different from the languages we use on Earth. I have shared in the earlier parts of this series my own personal experiences of Heaven. One quandary that I have personally had with these experiences is that the dynamic of the “afterlife” experience was not the same for each person experiencing the transition.

In the four most profound visionary experiences I had, three of which I shared in previous posts, the experiences were profoundly different. In my near-death experience (NDE) I felt a sense of transcendence, and also had a cosmic experience. My father transitioned in what could be considered an average “Christian” transition. Jesus was there, as well as family and friends as far as the eye could see. I mentioned a third person as well, who had committed suicide. In this experience he was actually trying to get away, but angels blocked his path. Continue reading

Life After Life (Part 2 of 7) – Near-Death Experience

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSome physicians and scientists have attempted to discount the near-death experience (NDE) phenomenon as misfiring synapses of the brain during trauma. However, I believe that as more and more evidence is becoming available, the near-death experience will be opened up as a genuine spiritual phenomenon.

In 1999 I was hit by a car and severely injured. I was 19 years old at the time, and had absolutely no interest in spirituality of any kind. I grew up in a very religious household, and noticed how damaging religious ideology could be on both society and the microcosm of families and tribal units. In many ways I was angry with systems that promoted any kind of dogmatic spirituality, and discounted any kind of spiritual experience. Continue reading

An Astral Visitation With Michael Jackson

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI recently experienced another astral visitation with Michael Jackson, whom I have connected with him on several occasions since his passing. I have always felt a deep connection to the famous singer. We are both Virgos and he was born only two days before me. He was also born in the same city my mother and her family grew up in, and some of my uncles attended school with him and his brothers.

Our prenatal birth charts show that both Michael and I originate from Alioth. Alioth is one of the seven stars that make up the “Big Dipper.” I have done much research on this and find it very interesting. We both have the same star strength and many things in common. I was even a professional dancer myself at one point in my life, and I have also had to deal with negative people that try and bring you down, because of either jealousy or insecurity, like Michael did. I have always felt connected to his energy and my being resonates with his song lyrics. Continue reading

When All Seems Lost

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have taken many psychic reading calls from clients who feel they are “stuck in a hole” in their life. This dark pit is different for every individual. For some it is the hope to be reunited with a lost lover, or not receiving any spiritual messages from their deceased loved ones; while for others it is being stuck in a dead-end job they hate, or not being able to find a decent job.

I have helped plenty of people and clients come out of that dark hole and helped them to see what they thought was impossible… is possible. As a result I have also taken many calls from clients thanking me for the advice and guidance I had given them. Often they have made changes to their environment, or they changed the people they allowed to be around them, or they even changed their profession. Continue reading

Visitation From Grandpa In My Meditation Garden

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI like to spend time in my meditation garden. It’s a very healing place I go to connect with my higher self, spirit guides, the guides of my clients, and loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes it is a place I go to just sit and be still and enjoy the sweet smells of all the wonderful different flowers that live there.

The other day I was focusing on my time with my Grandpa and just embracing gratitude for that wonderful experience. I was focusing on the first visitation I had from him about a month after his passing, when he came to me to tell me he loves me. He told me telepathically that he was okay and doing fine. He told me he would come through again if he could, and he did. Continue reading

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