inner voice
Connecting To Your Internal GPS
This past year has been the best! It is amazing to see what happens when we live with eyes and heart wide open. We experience more synchronicity, calmness, joy, and peace. We go from go, go, go, and do, do, do, to being fully present.
We too often choose to ignore the little voice inside that tells us things like, “Don’t go out, stay in!” or “Don’t do that, do this instead.” That inner voice is what most people call your intuition or inner guidance. I think of it as God within.
When we are clear-headed and keep from chaos and drama, and set healthy boundaries with others, we actually can hear that voice much more clearly. Continue reading
This Time I Won!
About 15 years ago, I was house hunting for my second home. I found a place in a remote community in the woods. It was my dream home. It was like a fairy house, complete with a creek running through the yard.
It had this amazing rock wall surrounding it that looked like a castle wall. It was very private, with a secluded community of other fairy, woodsy magical house lovers. I just knew it was my house! It felt like destiny. But was it?
Most psychics will tell you that we cannot really read for ourselves and, when we do try, it usually is not very successful. We often get things very wrong for ourselves. Continue reading
Make Changes To Simplify Your Life
Drama and chaos. We don’t need it. It comes in the form of junk that we don’t like, or even use in our homes. It can also come in the form of toxic people who clutter up our lives with dis-ease. As much as we love these people, who may be our friends or family, we sometimes simply need to make those changes in order to create real, positive change.
Realizing this, I asked my main guide, my ancestor, what I could do to create more peace in my life. I heard him say simply, “Make the necessary changes in your life and you will find your life to be much more peaceful and simplified!” Continue reading