genuine psychic
Finding A Psychic You Can Trust
As a psychic it is not easy to find the right psychic to read for me. Like many psychics, I can do readings for others, but I can’t read for myself. But trying to find the right psychic for me is like buying a car or a house – it is a process and a challenge!
Just like a house or a car, you look for a psychic who offers you certain special features that will suit your unique needs. There are so many psychics out there, who do you choose from?
When I was younger I needed the guidance of a good psychic from time to time for my love life. This was before the Internet. I remember deciding to take a bike ride on my 18x speed to find a psychic. Along the way I noticed a lady was moving in to a new psychic store, and she already had her sign out, before she was completely moved in. So, I decided to stop and talk to her, and she seemed really nice. Continue reading
Movie Psychics: Villains, Freaks, Heroes
Psychics and mediums in the movies are traditionally depicted as shrewd, flaky or simply evil. To this day it remains the exception to the rule to find a decent film or television show that genuine psychics will be able to relate to. Very few films in the archives offer a reasonably authentic representation of the ordinary psychic’s true life experiences.
The range of stereotypical stock characters in film is almost never-ending: from the typical dumb blondes and computer-hacking geeks, to corrupt Catholic priests, zany black cops, Las Vegas mobsters, flamboyant gay men, conspiring politicians, sex-obsessed teenagers and bombastic corporate executives with fat cigars.
Of course, psychics and mediums also make the perfect stereotype. We are ideal to be cast in the role of the satanic villain, or merely as an odd source of comic relief. For example, Whoopi Goldberg’s madcap portrayal of Oda Mae Brown, the fraudulent medium in Ghost (1990), was so well-received after the film’s release that she won a Golden Globe for her hilarious antics, as well as an Academy Award!
Hollywood relies on these stereotypes to increase box office success. Portraying misrepresented characters in a one-dimensional manner has a much wider audience appeal. Sadly, it also leads to ignorance, misconception, prejudice and discrimination. Continue reading
Foot Loose and Fancy Free
Have you ever felt that you are stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get out?
Something that really does help is to get away for a day or two, or go on a short vacation to clear your mind. Camping out, or an overnight or weekend stay at a motel, hotel, condo or vacation resort, can be part of a healing emotional health break!
I can’t believe the relief I felt recently, after a week away from the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life. When I arrived back home, I couldn’t wait to connect with my family, my Doberman dog and my friends.
However, the thing that I missed most was talking to my regular clients on Psychic Access and reconnecting with them during the time was away. I was refreshed and ready to pass on my newly refreshed positive energies to everyone! Continue reading
Different Strokes For Different Folks!
In my grandmother’s time the local villagers were the only people who really had access to her psychic advice and guidance. Sometimes she went on trips to the city, where a few more fortunate folks could meet with her.
But today we have access to gifted psychics almost anywhere in the world. It is indeed a privilege. The global village is a truly exciting place to be. Problem is, we now have so many choices and options available to us, that we are even less likely to find what we are looking for!
Yes, not every psychic out there is ideal for your unique requirements. That is why you sometimes might have a disappointing reading with a psychic with a solid reputation, or a medium with a true gift. Some of the best psychics in the world sometimes miss the mark. Don’t believe me? I encourage you to have a look at the client reviews or ratings for any psychic available on the Internet right now. I guarantee that you will find at least one unfavorable review for each psychic whose profile you access. Continue reading