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Yes, Fly Away, But Fly Towards The Dreams!

Get a free psychic reading right now at Psychicaccess.comThere are many dreams in our hearts, in our heads, in our spirit that comes to us during our night dreams, during our day hopes.  The universe gives us the dreams of our heart, so we will continue to strive toward these dreams.

Just when we think it is time to give up, spirit jumps in with a sign, a promise, a word, a touch of given hope, to keep the dream alive in our heart.

Time comes, time goes, like the ebb and tide of the ocean, that we wonder if we are ever going to reach the shore. Then suddenly, there is the land, we can see the shore line the horizon, the dream’s reality right there in our face ready to come to us with happiness. Continue reading

Tarot For Everyone

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEven if you’re not already practicing divination, chances are you know something about the Tarot. This is one of the oldest divination tools known to man and, with its countless individual variations, presents an opportunity for anyone wanting to know more about them self to find out.

Before you start a Tarot reading always clear your thoughts and focus on your questions when shuffling your cards. If you’re wanting to read cards, or have them read for you, you’ll want to invest in a good deck. It’s important to choose one which reflects your taste and personality. If you’re just starting out, the classic Rider-Waite deck is a always a good choice.

Every Tarot deck contains 78 cards of Major Arcana consisting of 22 cards and Minor Arcana consisting of 56 cards. Study one card at a time to learn its meaning. A good book on the subject can also help. Continue reading

The Dream That Saved My Life

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIn my senior year in high school I started to have a dream about me being in the hospital. The dream was so disturbing. It always woke me up out of dead sleep. I told my sister about it and she said don’t worry, it was just a dream.

As a high school student I was seriously into sports. I was running every day, doing exercises and riding my bicycle all over the place. My big goal was to go on a bike tour with other people who were also serious bike riders, going from Columbus to Portsmouth, Ohio. The trip was 125 miles one way and then you had to ride it back too. This is something I had never done before, so I had to push my body in overdrive to reach the highest level of fitness possible. Continue reading

What If The ‘Mark Of The Beast’ Has A Ringtone?

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI had an inspirational moment recently when I was waiting at a traffic light. I had a fleeting impression that everyone around me was busy praying. Heads bowed in silent, solemn worship. Then I realized, they were all just looking down at their phones.

We’ve all heard the rumors about microchips being installed in people’s hands, arms or foreheads. We are already doing it with our pets. Taking the next step to humans is not all that far-fetched.

There has also been many prophecies and predictions about this from a diverse spectrum of people, including spiritual leaders and conspiracy theorists. We have even heard it being called the “Mark of the Beast,” as described in Revelations in the Bible. Continue reading

We All Have Precognitive Dreams

Get a free reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMany people would tell you they’ve had a precognitive dream at some point in their lives. In short, this means a dream that has shown a part of the future. Literature, myth and history are full of such dreams, from antiquity to the sinking of the Titanic. But how much truth is there to the idea of dreaming the future?

Researchers propose that over half of the population regularly has precognitive dreams. The problem is, we also forget the vast majority of dreams within a minute or two of waking. It is an ability that has to be practiced and refined just like any other.

Anyone who is serious about dreams will keep a journal. It’s best to keep the journal right next to the bed in order to record the dreams as soon as possible. After time, a journal will help you start to see patterns, images and recurring symbols within your dreams. Think of how a large jigsaw puzzle at first seems random. Then, as more pieces are put into place, a larger picture starts to emerge. Continue reading

Meditation The Key To Mental Freedom

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhen we allow our minds to dwell too often on our past, or obsessively contemplate our future, we rob ourselves of the enjoyment of the moment.

Being fully present is the key to happiness. Being fully awake and aware of what is going on around us, in the here and now, is true mental freedom, in my opinion.

When I meditate, and focus only on my breath, I get to a point where I am free of thought. I can then completely allow all thoughts to come and go.. observed, but not noticed. It is then when I arrive at my “happy place”. I love to arrive at this inner place I so love. It’s a place of complete awareness, serenity and bliss; there really is nothing like it.

After my morning meditation I can go about the rest of my day without any ‘blinders’. The blinds to my mind have been pulled up and I can then connect with those that are on the same frequency as myself. Continue reading

Discovering Prophetic Dreams At A Young Age

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI have had many interesting dream experiences over the years and have witnessed how they often do reflect what is yet to come. I discovered this powerful prophetic nature of our dreams at a very young age.

One of the most memorable dreams from my childhood years involved a tornado. In this recurring dream I could hear the tornado sirens going off and I kept seeing an odd image of a piece of straw that went into a telephone. I kept seeing the time being 4:23 pm and I when I woke up, I knew that something was bad was going to happen. Every time I had the dream the tornadoes would get louder and louder.

Later, in April 1974, I was over my at my grandparents house when the tornado sirens went off. I was 12 years old and I started to freak out, because of those dreams I had been having. The sky was very dark and my grandparents had me go down into the basement for shelter. I remember my grandparents lighting a old oil lantern so we could have light. Continue reading

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