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Time Lords Among Us

Click on photo to get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith the popularity of the long-running television series Doctor Who, chances are you’ve heard of ‘time lords.’ They are time-traveling humanoid aliens with uncanny powers. But did you know that there’s truth to this popular fiction?

A small number of people, by some estimates one or two percent of the population, possess the gift of time-space synesthesia. It is an unusual ability in which our emotions and senses are delicately intertwined.

Perhaps you have heard of people who are able to taste music, or hear colors? With the gift of time-space synesthesia, the individual perceives within multiple dimensions. In other words, they literally see dimensional time. For example, the synesthete may perceive a rotating calendar around their body closely matching the Earth’s rotation around the Sun – quite literally the passage of a calendar year. Continue reading

Want Only What You Need

Click now for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI was busy getting ready to go out and feeling harried, as if what I had to do was so very important! But it was my perspective that was distorted and incorrect. Sensing this, I decided to sit down and take a moment. I wanted to get into alignment, before I got behind the wheel, as I had promised myself I would never rush in traffic. The rushed feeling triggered another feeling to put myself in check.

So, sitting down, I had a vision of my Grandpa. He came into focus for only a few seconds, but his visit to me seemed to last much longer. Time is different on the other side and we perceive it differently. Continue reading

The Meaning Of Colors

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFor me, there is no judgment on the type or amount of questions I am asked as a psychic, or how often it is being asked in readings. If a person has a need to call me frequently, it simply means they still need assurance that things will advance as they hope, or that their plans may be coming to fruition.

It is always very gratifying to learn that my clients have their own unique set of abilities. This is usually on a variety of levels, which just means we are at different levels in our development and psychic awareness. One goal I have in my work is to dispel doubt as to whether or not everyone has psychic ability. Let me assure you, the gifts are there, you just need to learn how to access them. Continue reading

How To Use The Psychomanteum

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are many ways to obtain the same result in spirit communication, as many roads will take you to the same destination. Using the psychomanteum is one way to reach out to the spirit world. It is a device to help a person communicate with the other side, including departed loved ones, pets and spirit guides. The prophet Nostradamus used a similar reflective device to experience out-of-body travels into the future as indicated in Dr. Raymond Moody’s book.

Typically, the psychomanteum is an enclosed structure or chamber made of black cloth or wood, with a chair on one side facing a mirror on the other side. Some people also use a red darkroom light. A person sits in the chair gazing into the mirror, while relaxing enough to achieve a light trance state. In this altered state of consciousness it is easier for one to see visions reflected in the mirror. Continue reading

Past Lives Leave Emotional Imprints

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI recently did a psychic reading for a lady who has a real fear of the ocean. Her fear extends to being a passenger in an aircraft flying high above the ocean, to being on the beachfront trying to relax to the sound of waves crashing along the shore-line. She had booked a session with me to see if we could discover the source of her deep-seated fear of the sea.

The answer to people’s emotional blocks often comes to me through imagery and sounds, which I receive in my mind’s eye. Sometimes scrying using the crystal ball, or Tarot images and symbols are a catalyst for insights which spirit shows me. Continue reading

Visitation From Grandpa In My Meditation Garden

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI like to spend time in my meditation garden. It’s a very healing place I go to connect with my higher self, spirit guides, the guides of my clients, and loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes it is a place I go to just sit and be still and enjoy the sweet smells of all the wonderful different flowers that live there.

The other day I was focusing on my time with my Grandpa and just embracing gratitude for that wonderful experience. I was focusing on the first visitation I had from him about a month after his passing, when he came to me to tell me he loves me. He told me telepathically that he was okay and doing fine. He told me he would come through again if he could, and he did. Continue reading

Voyage Into The Spirit Realms

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comEvery spiritual tradition and belief system has its concept of the world beyond ours: Nirvana, Asgard, Elysium. These are often associated with death and the afterlife, but that is only half the story. The truth is, we can explore these realms even while we are still alive.

Even without the millennia of spiritual tradition to back it up, modern science confirms the existence of many planes of existence. When we experience moments of déjà vu, the sensation of having felt or experienced something before, it’s because we have! The infinite number of these realms means there are infinite number of other “uses” out there. So, how are we to make sense of this idea, and how can we put our psychic abilities to use? Continue reading

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