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Why You Should Keep A Dream Journal – Part One

Get a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is so important to keep a dream journal! Some people truly believe that our dreams are nothing more than things we have experienced throughout are day, or just mental wanderings. But dreams are much more than all of that.

In my professional experience dreams are an in-between state between the material realm and the spiritual realm – be it heaven or the other side. It is a place where we can get connected with truth and the light to keep our souls in alignment.

I believe we would all go insane to one degree or another if we didn’t dream or astral travel for a long period of time. That could be why people who don’t get enough sleep sometimes seem so disconnected from that divine spark inside of them. They also get depressed, stressed and their health suffers. Continue reading

Living A Life Of Increase

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comTo become more, to expand, and to seek more complete expression is inherent in our human condition, because it is an innate quality we possess due to our original spiritual nature. ‘Increasing’ or ‘becoming’ is what drives the expansion of the entire Conscious Universe.

We are each of us a mirror reflection of the Universal Source; we are created in the image of the Divine. We are a perfect imprint of the magnificent Holographic Web of Consciousness. And because we are spiritual beings who reflect the Divine in physical form, we also possess the innate qualities of Divinity. We are self-aware and conscious; we have the capacity for reason, sentience, imagination and creative thought; we command creative freedom and the metaphysical power to manifest; and we have the capacity for complete self-actualization, individuation and transcendence. All these qualities are the expression of our inner Divinity, a direct reflection and extension of the Higher Self. Continue reading

The Myth Of Spiritual ‘Life Lessons’

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is not true that we must live a challenging, tormented life to learn certain spiritual “lessons”. Believing that we are here to “learn” is merely a justification that some folks offer to make sense of the bad things that sometimes happen to good people.

The irony is that those who choose to believe this myth will most likely have to face one trial and tribulation after the other, just as they expected. If someone’s life is awash with “weeping and gnashing of teeth” it is often because they choose it to be so.

The hardship and suffering we see in this world is mostly man-made. Misery is something we inflict on ourselves, and each other. It is not of Spirit, Source or God. Continue reading

Free Your Mind, Find Your Bliss

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat we think, and what we believe, is what we become. We create our own reality. Constantly exposing yourself to popular culture and the mass media will ultimately shape your reality tunnel in ways that are not necessarily conducive to achieving your Soul Purpose and Life Calling. Modern society has generally ‘lost the plot’. Slavishly following its false gods and idols makes no sense in a spiritually aware life.

The same holds true for toxic relationships, and people in your life who consistently indulge in negativity, cynicism, prejudice, fear-mongering, pessimism, and hatred. But have no illusions – the opposite extreme is just as noxious. Be equally cautious of those who deem themselves spiritually superior or ‘holier-than-thou’. Be wary of the well-meaning souls who profess themselves to be paragons of unconditional love and light, or who claim they have attained perfect insight into all the mysteries of the Universe. Continue reading

What Is Ascension?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIt is heart-centered soul level. Humans seem to be in a clothes dryer, tumbling around and hitting the sides of the dryer. To move into ascension, move out of the dryer and into the tree of life – the roots of Mother Earth.

Currently, most people on our planet are living in the dense third dimension. A goal with regard to ascension would be to move out of this difficult dimension into the fourth and fifth dimension. Actually, it is not uncommon for healers and lightworkers to be living in the consciousness of the sixth through ninth dimensions. There is greater clarity in higher dimensions, among other significant benefits. One of the most important to me, personally, is the freedom of beingness – experiencing my own ‘is-ness’.

According to the Akashic Records genes were removed from our bodies thousands of years ago. Finally, they are now being replaced back into our bodies. Purifications are going on now. This is what much of ‘the shift’ is about that you may be experiencing energetically. Yes, the one the ancient indigenous cultures predicted! Continue reading

Magical Thinking

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMagical thinking is a common trait found among all children all over the world, between the ages of approximately two until seven years of age. This time frame is also known as the ‘pre-operational stage’ of child development and it is the period in our early life when we increasingly explore our environment, and gradually learn to distinguish between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’.

Children at this age initially have all kinds of imaginative ideas and magical interpretations of the world, in order to make sense of their external and internal reality. At this age we still believe that we can grow wings and learn to fly; or that animals can talk and sing; or that our shadow is a magical person following us around; or that the Sun goes to sleep in the ocean; that there is a man living in the Moon; or that the wind, the clouds and the trees notice us and obey our instructions. We often also have ‘imaginary friends’ at this age. Continue reading

Spiritual Practice

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAwakening, reconnecting and realigning with the Divine Self is no doubt the most important first step in personal spiritual growth, individuation and ultimate transcendence. To rediscover your Higher Self and tap into your Higher Consciousness is usually a very awe-inspiring and life-changing experience. But your new found spiritual awareness and rediscovered Divine origins may soon lose its power to transform your life if you do not adopt a new lifestyle that includes some kind of consistent spiritual practice.

Divine Living and spiritual practice goes hand in hand. A Divine Life is impossible to achieve without some form of regular spiritual practice, in order to increase and maintain your connection and alignment with the Divine Self. What you come to know and believe about your own spiritual origins is meaningless, unless you have a direct and personal daily experience of receiving guidance from your inner Divinity. The only way to achieve this is to practice your new awareness and beliefs on a daily basis. Continue reading

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