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A Sense of Calm – A Message From My Guides

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSometimes the emotional charge of something as simple as a misunderstood comment, or a statement taken out of context, can throw even the most level-headed person into a tailspin. Developing a general demeanor of good humor can assist you in dealing with some of these most difficult, embarrassing or awkward situations encountered in life.

Everyone handles things differently, doing the best they can with the information they have at the time. Although, generally, the goal is to come to a better understanding and reach common ground, sometimes this takes much more time, effort and compromise than expected.

Although it is important to resolve an issue and clear the air, if possible, it is equally important to put each issue into context. Years from the date of the affront, will the issue be remembered at all and, if so, will it have anywhere near the importance that it did at the time? Certain issues will never be forgotten, however, they can often be forgiven for the sake of all parties involved.

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Coping With The Pain Of Loss And Grief

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comGoing through grief is a very natural response to loss. The more significant the loss, the more intense our grief will be. Grieving can result from the passing of a loved one, losing a job, divorce, loss of health.

Coping with loss can be overwhelming. We usually go through all kinds of difficult and very unexpected emotions – from shock to anger to disbelief. Sometimes we also feel guilty that maybe there could have been more one should have done. And then there is the sadness, which is hard to even put into words.

The pain of grief and bereavement can, and often does, also disrupt our physical health, making it very difficult to sleep, eat and function normally. It is very hard to think straight at such a time, but these are normal reactions to significant loss.

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Calming The Stormy Waters Of The Inner Child

click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI walk on the beach daily, near my home. In fact, I often walk multiple times a day. This is my meditative and contemplative time, to reflect and see what areas in my life I can improve or change, what areas are working well, and what shifts are going on.

In the morning, the water can be as smooth as glass. This represents true peace, clarity and reflection. In the afternoon, the water can have three-foot to ten-foot waves, and the beach space that was so abundant in the morning, is gone. This represents the turmoil that is happening in my life and on our planet, or just what comes and goes in the daily news.

In the evening, the water settles down. It’s not quite as glass-like as in the morning, however it has a small and calming wave. This represents all the cleansing that happened during the day and the cleansing that is to happen through the night, bringing me full circle to another calm again in the morning.

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Traits Of Your Leo Child

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comA child born between July 23rd and August 22nd is a Leo. Leos are the sign of the actor. Yes, they are very dramatic! They can make you laugh with their animated expressions and dramatic response to your every word.

But Leo children also have tempers. They can be very explosive, crying, even screaming, when they don’t get what they want. Fortunately, they can then turn around in a second and begin laughing and playing again. They tend to get over things quickly. Leo children are generally happy. They smile all of the time, except for when they are having those explosive tantrums.

Leo kids are very physical and athletic. They are often found outside climbing trees, playing ball, or running around. Leos are also one of the hardest signs to get to sleep. They are fire balls of energy and they are so excited about life, they don’t want to sleep and miss out on any fun. Keeping them in sports and performing arts will help them burn off their tremendous amount of excess energy and stay focused in school.

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Processing Deep Emotions In Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDisturbing, chaotic dreams or nightmares involving terror, violence or intense frustration can be extremely disturbing for the dreamer. When these dreams come around, it is not unusual to find yourself suddenly waking in the middle of the night, sitting bolt upright, shaken, and in a pool of perspiration. Some of my clients’ dreams are so hectic, they even ask me if they are possessed, or being punished!

Dream interpretation psychic readings may reveal that such a nightmare reflects a traumatic occurrence from the client’s past, which they fear may occur again. Constant fear of history repeating itself may be invading their thoughts. When we are emotionally and mentally in a place of darkness, our every thought tends to become distorted by fear.

My clients usually hope to find some enlightenment as to what their hectic dreams can possibly mean, and I do my best to interpret their nightmares the best way I know how. It can be most helpful when a psychic exposes the root cause of a frantic dream.

But I also do recall a dream expert, who gave a talk at a psychic fayre once, saying, “The very best person to interpret any type of dream is the dreamer themselves.” What a psychic can do is give their insight, but their interpretation should resonate with the client. Continue reading

Clearing Your Chakras

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWith spring just around the corner, many of us have the urge to clean house. But did you know it’s just as important to do a spiritual cleansing? The perfect place to start is our seven chakras: the centers of energy in the human body. It’s just as important to conduct a regular spiritual health check as a physical health check, and for the same reasons.

Much like our cars or living spaces, our chakras don’t function correctly if they are neglected and left to ‘gather dust.’ When this happens our entire well-being is affected, from our physical and emotional health to our relationships with others.

Likewise, we won’t be at our best if we only focus on some, and not all of our chakras. Your car wouldn’t run if you gave it oil changes, but forgot to put air in the tires! The three upper chakras (Crown, Third Eye, Throat), the lower three (Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus) and the Heart Chakra, which ties them together, are all equally important. Continue reading

Learning To Deal With Toxic Individuals

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If, as many teachings suggest, there is spiritual growth in every experience, and in particular the more difficult times, then being strongly affected by another person’s negative behavior must also be one of life’s lessons.

I have been pondering this because of the increase in psychic reading calls I have been getting related to this very topic. Some of my clients have been profoundly upset lately by the negative outbursts of people in their lives, including family, friends, partners, work colleagues, or even random altercations in public places.

I love these words from the poem Desiderata: “Avoid the loud and the aggressive – they are vexations to the spirit.” How very true. However, more often than not, we are not in the position to avoid those individuals altogether, in order to escape their toxic influence. Even in a friendship turned sour, we often want to give the toxic friend the benefit of the doubt, knowing that they don’t always behave that way. We might even be in love with a negative person, hoping we can change them one day. Continue reading

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