Monthly Archives: August 2014
Chasing Rainbows In A House Of Mirrors
The state of Divine Disconnect, when you are feeling out of touch, imperfect, inadequate or wanting in your life, is not a reflection of who you really are, neither is it some shameful personal defect that requires salvation. It is in fact a reflection of who you are not, because you have become what you are not.
This sense of being disconnected or separated from your Divine Self is not real, it is a distorted phantasm. It is your physical form trying to make sense of the distorted, grotesque image you have of your own Divinity. You are seeing yourself reflected in a house of mirrors lined with rows and rows of limiting fears, self-destructive beliefs and false idols. In this state you become cut off from your true Soul Purpose and Life Calling. You are no longer aligned with your Divine Self and you lose your direction and purpose. The anxiety, fear and pain that you then feel is your inner guidance system attempting to nudge you back into the right direction. Continue reading
Nephew Kole And The Christmas Orbs Of 2012
Christmas of 2012 I took many pictures that I never really looked at afterwards while downloading them to my computer. I should have known better, because while I was taking these pictures I kept smelling tobacco smoke that reminded me of my grandfather. I later found evidence in those images that someone special was indeed around us that day.
My nephew Kole had asked me about “Great Paw-Paw”. He wanted to know what became of him? I said he was in Heaven, but Kole disagreed. “No, he is not… he is standing right next to you.” Kole was pointing to an area next to the pool table.
I asked Kole how long grandpa had been around. “I talk to him a lot… almost every day,” he said. Later, when we sat down to eat dinner, Kole asked me to get an extra chair, because “Paw-paw” needed a place to sit too. Continue reading
Keep Calm And Blog On!
I have been doing psychic readings now for many, many moons. A favorite piece of advice I have been sharing with my clients over the years is to write stuff down when you are stressed. Just get it on paper, in any way, shape or form that you can!
When you feel depressed, distressed, angry or anxious, simply grab a pen or pencil and express how you feel. Write a letter, or some poetry, post your thoughts on the Facebook, or even blog about it. Expressing feelings in written words can be a huge relief and allows you to get them out of your system and release toxic emotions.
When you write how you feel, you are also letting it go. Many clients have expressed to me that they actually feel lighter and less stressed or anxious after writing a note to God or a short poem. Continue reading
Mooney’s Mansion On Walhalla Road
In 1979, while still in high school, I had a profound paranormal encounter. At the time I was working for my brother-in-law for the summer vacation, to earn a few extra bucks. He operated a house painting service in those days.
He came up to me one day and said: “You will not believe where we are going to paint next!” To my shock and horror he revealed that we would be working at Mooney’s Mansion on Walhalla Road – one of the most notorious haunted places in Columbus, Ohio. I humbly requested to work on another project, but he refused saying he needed all his painters out there, since it was a large project.
Going down Walhalla Road again brought back many childhood memories and it still gave me the creeps. As kids we used to take a ride down the road on our bicycles to go by the old mansion. We hoped to see the ghost of old man Mooney and the place where he was supposed to hang himself off the bridge. Continue reading
Protect Yourself From Toxic People
I want you to know that you’re not the only one who may have people in your life draining you, and making you feel downright guilty and sick. This is what I call toxic love. Why do we stay with these people, or why do we continue to allow these people into our space and environment?
I’m sure you know why we allow some of them…we have no choice! They are is family, sometimes our friends and distant relatives, and sadly often times our life partners and spouses. Being a very empathic person myself, I am very sensitive to the energies around me. I know what it is like to be surrounded by energy thieves. Continue reading
Origins Of A Psychic
All my life I wanted to find out about the origins of my psychic ability. I wanted to know if it was handed down to me from my ancestors. This question was frustrating at first, because I kept hitting a brick wall. Until my wife got me one of my best birthday presents ever: a three month subscription to a genealogy service.
As I was loading the disk onto my computer, I felt a long and winding road to the truth was ahead. Which side of the family do I start with? My mother’s side, or my father’s? I asked my spirit guide for help and she guided towards me starting with my father. This was unexpected, because all I have ever heard from the family is how I inherited my psychic talent from my mother’s side of the family? Continue reading