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Origins Of A Psychic

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAll my life I wanted to find out about the origins of my psychic ability. I wanted to know if it was handed down to me from my ancestors. This question was frustrating at first, because I kept hitting a brick wall. Until my wife got me one of my best birthday presents ever: a three month subscription to a genealogy service.

As I was loading the disk onto my computer, I felt a long and winding road to the truth was ahead. Which side of the family do I start with? My mother’s side, or my father’s? I asked my spirit guide for help and she guided towards me starting with my father. This was unexpected, because all I have ever heard from the family is how I inherited my psychic talent from my mother’s side of the family?

People will not look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors ~Edmund Burke

Fortunately I had some paperwork about my great grandfather, indicating that he was born in 1864. This led me to my great grandmother who was born the same year. I found her mother’s name and I looked that up, and to my surprise I found out she was a psychic from Indiana born in 1768.

But I felt for some reason there had to be more. I needed to keep going, because there was more information that needed to be uncovered.

Last night my spirit guide told me I needed to go back to my father’s side. This time it was my great grandfather leading me to both of his parents. And then I discovered that my great, great, great grandfather was married to a Cherokee woman. She had an American first name when she married him, but her childhood name was Ahyoka meaning “she brought happiness”. Apparently she was a spirit women who people looked to for answers to bring peace, love and balance to the tribe.

In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage – to know who we are and where we came from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning ~ Alex Haley

When I was reading all this stuff I remembered 19 years ago, when my mother was alive, she told me she felt that I was going to find the answers I had been looking for. And yet so many questions still need to be answered. I have been told many times over the years that my mother’s side is where I got my psychic gift from, but after doing the research I feel it goes deeper than that. I will continue my search of the truth.

About The Author: Raymond

Growing up on the streets of Columbus Ohio, Raymond learned at a very young age that he was gifted in many ways, including the ability to read someone's eyes and using a regular deck of playing cards to read the future! His mother was from a Native American family, namely the Black Foot tribe, and his father was German. Raymond discovered that both sides of his family had a psychic legacy. Over the years he has gained additional knowledge from books and by talking to trusted family members. Raymond has been doing psychic reading for others for over 3 decades, and over the years he gained many loyal clients from all walks of life. Visit Raymond for a reading at

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