Tree Insights
If you told me a month ago that I would have a conversation with a tree, I would most likely not have believed it. Not that I am closed off to such experiences, but rather because I have never had any kind of engagement with nature on this level.
This weekend I was hiking with some friends, and there was a moment when I was separated from them. One of my friends went ahead of me, and the other two lagged behind. We were on a train, so I was confident that we would eventually meet up. So, I appreciated this time to myself for reflection and contemplation.
I sat down and began to meditate. As I did so, I turned my attention to a very large tree that must have been there for hundreds of years. I recalled something that I had channeled in the book I was writing. I recently wrote about how everything has a spirit, including animals and plants. I had not really thought much about this in the past. Most of my spiritual insights have been associated with interactions with angels, spirit guides, and individuals who have passed on. This said, I am certainly open to interacting with the spirit’s of animals and plants. Continue reading
Visitation From Grandpa In My Meditation Garden
I like to spend time in my meditation garden. It’s a very healing place I go to connect with my higher self, spirit guides, the guides of my clients, and loved ones who have crossed over. Sometimes it is a place I go to just sit and be still and enjoy the sweet smells of all the wonderful different flowers that live there.
The other day I was focusing on my time with my Grandpa and just embracing gratitude for that wonderful experience. I was focusing on the first visitation I had from him about a month after his passing, when he came to me to tell me he loves me. He told me telepathically that he was okay and doing fine. He told me he would come through again if he could, and he did. Continue reading
Using Stones To Heal – Agates
Crystals and gemstones have been used by almost every culture for healing and mystical purposes. They amplify the user’s vibration and bring to the healing practice their own energy and symbolism.
I used to live by a beach that was covered in agates. I collected them and revered them, somehow instinctively connecting to their magic at an early age. Years later I began using a large variety of agates in my healing practice.
Black or Banded Agate. This agate helps to center the first chakra. It is a great stone for combating anxiety and to ground the physical body. Use this stone for self control, physical energy, grounding, and resilience. Continue reading
Rid Yourself Of Psychic ‘Junk’
Anyone who lives in a big city knows that space is at a premium these days. And that’s just elbow room. We seldom talk about our psychic space, which is constantly being bombarded. How in the world do we protect ourselves?
First and foremost, you need to have healthy boundaries. Each of us needs and deserves to have a safe place, a sense of self-worth, and protection from others. Think about what happens to a beach that is battered constantly by waves. It will wear down and eventually disappear. If you don’t have boundaries, your very identity will be like those grains of sand.
Learning to connect back to the Earth and nature is essential to our well-being. This can be as simple as walking without shoes in a natural space, or by keeping plants in your living space. When we are separate from our natural selves, we lose perhaps the most important part of our soul. By walking in nature, you are literally reconnecting. Like a lightning bolt discharging energy when it strikes solid ground, you are releasing all the negative energies that accumulate in your body. Take a friend, or walk your dog if you have one. Continue reading
Meeting Your Spirit Guide
Having a Spirit Guide who is there to constantly help and support you can be one of the greatest assets available to all of us. If you are already familiar with your guide, I am sure you would assure others how beneficial this can be. It is not difficult to connect with your own Spirit Guide. It takes only a few quiet moments of meditative visualization… and the rest is easy.
The first thing you need to do is to close your eyes and prepare yourself for an enjoyable journey. Picture yourself outside an enclosed garden with one entrance and one exit. The garden is on a raised platform with steps leading up to it, and it contains the most beautiful array of magnificent flowers that you can imagine. Approach the first step up into the garden. As you place your feet on the first step, take a deep breath and then exhale. Now step up to the second step, take a deep breath and exhale. Then step up to the third step, take a deep breath and exhale, until you reach the entrance. Continue reading
More Than We Can Imagine
I often set an intention before I got to sleep of what I want to do during my astral travels. This could be to visit another universe, or a deceased loved one, or to spend time in the sanctuary that I created in my mind’s eye for me to rest and recharge. I do this just before I fall asleep and transfer to the spirit realm. I have shared in previous blogs how you can do this yourself.
I enjoy visitations with my Grandpa during these astral dreams. When I want to visit with my Grandpa, I simply imagine myself walking through a well-worn path to a mechanical lift. I step into the lift and rise with it to the top of a very tall hill. Here there is a portal that I enter that leads to my sanctuary or my “happy place.” From here I may continue the journey further, or I will remain there and enjoy astral encounters with others. Continue reading
Building Your Energy Channels
Our bodies contain endless potential for energy: physical, mental, electrical, psychic. Much like the sun itself, we are constantly providing energy. Yet, many of us feel drained and exhausted? If we learn to tap into our natural channels, this doesn’t have to be so.
Like the power of our brains, we may only be using a small fraction of our personal energies. The best way to get started is a program of meditation or prayer to discover where our strongest energies lie. These are to be found in our psychic centers, or chakras. As you begin your journey, you’ll notice stronger feelings in one or more of your seven spiritual centers: crown, eyes, throat, heart, chest, spleen, and root. It may be a slightly prickly sensation, like static electricity, or a growing warmth, or a feeling, or a pleasant coolness. Continue reading