News and Views From The Psychic Access Community


The Rosary Is A Powerful Tool

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI look at so many people struggling, and so ready to get angry at the littlest things, so disconnected from the divine spark inside of them. I know a great tool to deal with this: I often pray the Rosary and thank God for all of the blessings in my life.

It really works for me. The promise of the Rosary is true, in that it will bring blessings into your life. It has brought so much goodness into mine.

I gave a friend, who is suffering from a horrible depression and feeling of incompleteness, a Rosary to pray. I found that she was happier after learning and praying the Rosary.

I wish I would have known about the Rosary many, many moons ago, but it’s never too late to learn the Rosary and see what blessings it can bring into your life. It really works. Continue reading

The Ouija Board Is Not A Game

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI often have clients and yoga students asking me my opinion on the Ouija board. Well, I have a hard time even writing the word, if that is for-shadowing of my more detailed view on this matter.

It is one thing to develop your intuition and tell your guides that you want to communicate with loved ones who have passed, and quite another to open yourself like a sponge and allow all energies in.

When you open yourself blindly to anything that wants to come in, you cannot control or filter what comes in. There is no protection. When you go through your guides, they will protect you and allow only positive vibrations and energies that you know in. Continue reading

Reading Between The Lines

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comGrowing up in a family of psychics, I can remember my mother telling me that in life we have to always “read between the lines.” What she meant was that life has much to offer us, from relationship to career to recreation. To make the best life choices we need to look out for opportunities presented to us in the form of signs and synchronicity.

Every day we receive signs and inner guidance: in our dreams, next to the road, in numbers, from the words spoken by strangers, even in songs on the radio. Magic is everywhere, we just need to be aware and keep looking out for it. Continue reading

Text Messages From God – Part 2

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAfter meditating for two days, I received another ‘text message’ from God to answer a question I have had for a while. I have shared with my clients how they can open up and allow their psychic ability to flourish, as I believe we all have the ability to feel and see things that will come to pass. With pen and paper near me I wrote down the following.

1. Sleep/Dreams/Record
2. Spend time in solitude
3. Keep away from those who deplete you energetically
4. Moonstones

So with these messages I arrived at what I apparently already knew to be true. Continue reading

The Magic Of Flowers

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comLike all living things, flowers and plants have unique personalities, wants and needs. Because they don’t speak, it is easy to overlook them. They have auras and have been shown to possess memories.

Anyone thinking of practicing magic should become familiar with a variety of plants and flowers. It is also a good idea to have a few favorites around the house.

Flowers speak to us. There is a good reason celebrations from birth to death, and everything in between, are synonymous with flowers. If you don’t know a Daisy from a Dogwood, here’s a look at some of the more familiar blooms and what they magically  represent: Continue reading

Text Messages From God – Part 1

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI love to meditate, I do it often. It’s one of my favorite pass times. I also like to set an intention before meditating.  This afternoon my intention was to get a ‘text message’ from God, or rather an answer from God to a certain question.

My intention was to find out why Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is on the increase in our society. It’s uncanny. These day I’m even hearing how teachers are being diagnosed with ADD, as well adults from all walks of life. I wanted to know why there seems to be such a prevalence of this disorder going on, including an array of prescription drugs to medicate it with. It just makes me sad, because I personally feel it’s a symptom of our toxic, information-overloaded society. Continue reading

Learn To Trust Your Inner Voice

Get a free psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhile meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a male voice say to me: “You need to work, because someone needs you and needs to hear the message that you were given last night.” I was not feeling very social and certainly not feeling much like working, but the voice was crystal clear.

I kept meditating and let it soak in. I mentally asked this voice to show or tell me how and what could this message be? Then I immediately saw an image of my dream journal.

Once conscious, I went over in my mind what I had just heard. Then I went to my room and grabbed my dream journal, which I keep by my head when I sleep. I always keep a clip on night light, so that I can see when I’m recording all my dreams – I often record them throughout the night. Over the past ten years I’ve gotten really good at waking myself up after a really good dream and writing down all I can remember. Continue reading

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