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How Often Do You Count Your Blessings?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comSo often in this life things happen that are beyond our control. It is times like these that you have to look at that proverbial ‘silver lining’ and take a moment to stop and count your blessings.

Your husband leaves you after cheating on you for ten years. Legal issues aside, you may cry because you are alone, but are you really? The blessing in this case is clear – you lost a cheating husband and gained your life back! It may not seem like it right away but it will one day.

Your girlfriend decided that she wants to “test the waters and keep her options open”. Do you cry and moan, or do you count the many possible blessings here? Do you really want to make her your priority in life, while you are merely an “option” to her? Continue reading

Keep That Love Attraction Flowing!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWe are all walking magnets. We attract or we bounce off of one another. When we are lucky enough to find someone whom we don’t bounce off of, and feel a connection or desire to be with that person, it’s because we need something from them that can help us on some level. It could be spiritual, emotional or psychical.

There has to be something to help us evolve in this incarnation in order for us to feel that connection, or rather desire, to spend time with a person or share the same space for a time. I feel that this attraction remains alive and fresh; it never thins, our or dies out. It is the ‘magic ingredient’, if you will, that keeps us with a spouse or partner with whom we are in a relationship. Continue reading

Don’t Take Everything Personally!

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThe best gift you will ever give yourself is learning how not to take things personally.

I was talking with a dear client in free chat on Psychic Access the other day and she mentioned that while it had been a hard road, she had finally gotten to the point where she didn’t take things personally anymore. I was so happy, I did the happy dance right there in my chair, yes I did! And this is a person whom, as so many of us walking this earth, has been dealt over the years more bad cards than any one person should.

So if she can learn this very valuable lesson, do you, dear reader, think that it is possible for you to do the same? Are you really ready for an act of incredible bravery? Because that is what this is, you know. Releasing the need to blame others; questioning others for why they are doing what it is you may perceive they are doing to you… it is incredibly freeing! Continue reading

Do You Really Want Your Ex Back?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comWhat is it about holding on to the exquisite pain of love gone awry? It may surprise you to know that about 60% of the psychic readings I do come from this perspective, and trust me when I say it is a clouded perspective at best.

“Will this person come back to me?” or “What did I do wrong?” or the best of them all… “How can I make them come back?”

They may come back to you, yes. There is always that possibility. But do you want them to? An ex is an ex for a reason. You didn’t do anything wrong. Unless of course you did – and that list can be long and prestigious…don’t get me started.

And last but not least, you cannot make them come back to you. What is this… a soap opera? This is real life, your life and theirs too. Continue reading

How to Jump Vibrational Frequency Timelines

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comFirst, we must define the three timelines:

First Timeline – Where we want to be, 13 of 100 Lightworkers are consistently in this state, on an ascending path.

Second Timeline – Where most of the population is, erratic in frequency, sometimes in and sometimes out (you could say ‘up and down’), influenced by others around them, worried about what others think. Yet, they are on an ascending path.

Third Timeline – On descending path. They are dealing with some of the following traits; angry, envious, jealous, sorrowful, regretful, greedy, arrogant, pitying themselves, feeling guilty, resentful, inferior – all low level vibrational frequencies. I am sure you can think of many more attributes that apply here. Continue reading

Addiction And The Calling

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comIf my spiritual calling was masked by addiction once upon time, how many other people could also be masking their calling with such escapism?

As a recovering alcoholic, addictive behavior is something I know all too well – together with the co-dependency behavior that inevitably surrounds the addict. I actually credit my experience with alcohol, and the realization that there is no escape that way, as leading up to me heeding my calling. My life purpose was to work for spirit, and any time not being in touch with that calling left a huge void, or ‘hole in my soul’ type of feeling within me.

My initial training into the mystical was in the African tradition, whereby one is selected by the ancestors and called to the task of healer, priest, counselor and diviner. Channeling and the ancient art of throwing and interpreting the bones are used as forms of divination in this tradition. Continue reading

How Many Other Things Are We Missing?

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There are many things that may be considered as lacking in the world today, and there are many lightworkers, dreamers and activists who make every effort to remind us of these missing elements. But one aspect that is too seldom addressed is our lack of true appreciation and gratitude.

Spiritual seekers tend to be very keen to beat the drum of abundance  – which is too often merely a thinly disguised obsession with material wealth and earthly comforts.

We simply take too much for granted every day; blessings of Joy, Beauty and Divine Grace are seldom acknowledged in our lives. How spiritually aware can we truly be if we hardly ever stop to smell the roses?

Have you heard the story of the internationally acclaimed violinist who disguised himself as a street busker with a baseball cap, and then proceeded to play Bach undercover at a metro subway station? An email outlining this intriguing story has been circulating since December 2008. There have been claims that it may be a hoax, or an urban myth, but it is indeed a true story. The event was captured on video with a hidden camera. Continue reading

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