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Goodbye My Mentor, Farewell My Friend

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comMy mentor of many years passed away a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t seen him in a few years and time does tend to move on. Sadly, cancer had taken its ugly toll. He was practically a household name on the West Coast of the USA, and had owned, for many years, indeed until the day he died, a leading chain of psychic stores.

Because it had been a while since I had seen him, the last thing in the world I would ever have expected actually happened. He passed away on a Monday. From the Thursday beforehand I had known something was up. I didn’t know what is was, I only knew to call my former manager and ask, “What in the world is wrong, I can feel it from here!” We were always very close, she and I. But she is a private soul and so she didn’t divulge any information about my mentor, although she was not surprised to hear from me. Continue reading

Going Back To School

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAt the beginning of this year I did not realize how much my life was going to change. So many times over the years I have told clients that you never know how life can change when a blinking of an eye. Well, that is exactly what happened to me too.

On the last Friday of February 2012 I lost my full time job and they made me retire. I was very shook up, because it was very unexpected and I gave them 27 years of dedicated service. Suddenly, I was on the side of the fence, where many of clients have been who call me to ask what is going to happen in their lives.

How was my life going to pan out? As a psychic we usually see with clarity for others, but not for ourselves. It was time to reflect on my future; what I needed to do and where I was going. I knew in my heart for the longest time that this day was going to come, and I needed help to see what was going to happen. I asked God to show me ways in my life that I never seen before and one thing that came up was I needed to go back to school. Continue reading

Two Cards Short Of A Celtic Cross

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comI’ve written many blogs about psychic issues, spirituality, God, The Goddess, The Universe and so forth. The more answers I get the more questions arise. And I am always learning and being shown new ways, paths and messages. This is one of those messages.

We ask so often, “Why does this happen? What is the answer? Why did he hurt me?” I have at times also asked these questions, because I am human after all. Anything I teach I have learned the lesson myself – very often the hard way! But I have found that for many questions, ultimately, there are few answers. Because the answers we think we want can never truly satisfy us. Why am I bringing this up? Why am I talking about this and what am I even talking about, you may well ask. It’s because of an experience that happened to me recently. Continue reading

Assisted By Two Spirit Guides

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever wondered how many spirit guides you have? Do you sometimes wonder if they help you in your personal life?

Well, I discovered a couple of weeks ago, when I had a client call me, how important a role our guides can play in our daily lives. The client had ask me to let my spirit guide choose the deck of cards for her and what happened was quite remarkable.

Many of my regular clients know I that I am assisted by my spirit guide Lisa in a lot in my psychic readings. But she usually does not choose the deck of cards. I always have the client choose the deck.

Well, on this occasion, when I started to flip the cards over I noticed that the cards gave off another type of energy compared to what I am usually seeing. When the client and me started to talk about her reading even she was really shocked, as much as I was, the way the reading had taken on an unusual twist. Everything I was telling her had in fact happened in her life over several days, before she called me. Continue reading

Talking To A Brick Wall?

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at“Hello…hello..?” Ever feel like you’re talking to a brick wall in your relationships? It could be when you are communicating with your child, your spouse or even a parent. It can be so frustrating to have to repeat yourself over and over.

In today’s world we are inundated with technology that causes a lot of the disconnectedness we experience in society. People’s attentions get fixated on things that are not of any real value or meaningfulness. Some of the ridiculous shows they put on television at night just leaves me with my jaw hitting the floor! How can we be that fixated on all this negative stuff? It’s disheartening. I sometimes wonder what life would be like if we focused on things that were of love, peace and just simple happiness. Continue reading

The Mass Extinction of Man

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comThere are those who believe we may be facing extinction as a species – if we don’t change our ways. This idea is not as far-fetched as it may seem. The mass extinction of entire plant or animal families is something that has happened on several specific occasions in history.

The most well-known of these extinction events is the end of the ‘golden age of the reptiles’, when most of the dinosaur species disappeared. The small percentage that survived ultimately became the bird species that today still roam our planet. I have often wondered about the fascination children all over the world seem to have with dinosaurs. It is a subject that is a source of great enthusiasm for both boys and girls. Could it be that they intuitively remember the past, that the traumatic events of that time remains ingrained in our DNA to this very day? Continue reading

The Animal Psychic Connection

Get a FREE psychic reading right now at PsychicAccess.comAs any pet owner knows, we work to make sure our ‘babies’ are safely housed with a warm blanket and plenty of food. At least, this is how it is for me. My animals are my children and provide me with the most unconditional love and support I could ever ask for.

Pets are little people with fur. My Tinkerbell will be the first to tell you, in her ‘Auntie Mame’ sort of way, that she is only here because she loves her mommy so much. My boy Cricket would say that he likes to lie next to me when I am not feeling so good and he tries to take the pain away. And my Polly Pocket gets sick when I get sick. I have to muster up and climb myself out of bed so that my tiny Chihuahua won’t slip into a major depression! Continue reading

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